Install Maven in latest version from upstream.
The role downloads redistributable packages from the internet to the hosts local filesystem before it may install those on any number of managed nodes in the local network.
: Maven version to install (default:3.3.9
: Maven mirror to download Maven from (default:
: Base installation directory for any Maven distribution (default:/opt/maven
: SHA256 sum for the downloaded Maven redistributable package (default:6e3e9c949ab4695a204f74038717aa7b2689b1be94875899ac1b3fe42800ff82
: configure path to lib-role (string, default:{{ lib_roles_path }}
This role sets persistent local facts for other roles to use via
- facts.d
- facts.d
This role depends on silpion.lib
role. This is configured
for ansible-galaxy install
in requirements.yml.
NOTE: Requirements are installed as virtual user silpion
Be sure to install required roles with
ansible-galaxy install --role-file requirements.yml
- hosts: ci
- { role: ansible-maven }
Apache Version 2.0
This role provides integration tests using the Ruby RSpec/serverspec framework with a few drawbacks at the time of writing this documentation.
- Currently supports ansible_os_family == 'Debian' only.
Running integration tests requires a number of dependencies being installed. As this role uses Ruby RSpec there is the need to have Ruby with rake and bundler available.
# install role specific dependencies with bundler
bundle install
# run the complete test suite with Docker
rake suite
# run the complete test suite with Vagrant
Mark Kusch @mark.kusch