
[error] gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: 1

junhyeokahn opened this issue · 1 comments

I can't run the command :GutentagsUpdate.
It failed with the error below:
gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: 1
The message I am seeing is below:

gutentags: Wildignore options file is up to date.
gutentags: Running: ['/Users/junhyeokahn/.vim/plugged/vim-gutentags/plat/unix/', '-e', 'ct
ags', '-t', 'tags', '-p', '.', '-o', '/Users/junhyeokahn/.vim/plugged/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.
options', '-x', '@/var/folders/x5/zqng1f9j76jc6b2c1mxbx5g40000gn/T/vHknp8G/4', '-l', 'tags.log']
gutentags: In:      /Users/junhyeokahn/Repository/PnC
gutentags: [job stdout]: 'Locking tags file...'
gutentags: [job stdout]: 'Running ctags on whole project'
gutentags: [job stdout]: 'ctags -f "tags.temp" "--options=/Users/junhyeokahn/.vim/plugged/vim-gutentags/
res/ctags_recursive.options"  --exclude=@/var/folders/x5/zqng1f9j76jc6b2c1mxbx5g40000gn/T/vHknp8G/4 "."'

gutentags: [job stderr]: '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ctags: illegal option -- -'
gutentags: [job stderr]: 'usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...'
gutentags: Finished ctags job.
gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: 1

I installed brew install ctags-exuberant and the version of ctags is 5.8_2
I am using Macbook Pro 14, M1 Max chip, Monteray.

I just resolved this issue.
I had to set a ctags executable manually installed thru homebrew by setting variable in bashrc as
let g:gutentags_ctags_executable='/opt/homebrew/bin/ctags'