
A small scaffold for building a web application with Go and Sqlite.


sqlite3 db/sqlite3.db < db/database.sql


export DB_PATH=db

go run cmd/main/main.go
# or
go build cmd/main/main.go

curl localhost:8080

Docker local

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
docker image build -t helloweb .
export DB_PATH=db
docker container run -p 8080:8080 -e DB_PATH=/mnt -v $PWD/db:/mnt helloweb

curl localhost:8080


Getting started:

flyctl auth login

fly launch --generate-name --copy-config --region fra
fly volumes create myapp_data --region fra --size 1
fly deploy
fly ssh sftp shell
$ put db/sqlite3.db /data/sqlite3.db

fly logs
fly apps restart $(fly info --json | jq -r .Name)

fly apps open


fly doctor

flyctl ssh console
$ ls -l /data

flyctl auth docker
docker tag helloweb:latest registry.fly.io/helloweb:v1
docker push registry.fly.io/helloweb:v1

cat ~/.fly/config.yml

flyctl destroy