
This lab code corresponds with Chapter 3 in the O'Reilly book: Mastering Kafka Streams and ksqlDB by Mitch Seymour. This tutorial covers Stateless processing in Kafka Streams. Here, many stateless operators are demonstrated in Kafka Streams' high-level DSL by building an application that transforms and enriches tweets about various cryptocurrencies.

Running Locally

You can start the local Kafka cluster using the following command:

$ docker-compose up

Regarding the Kafka Streams application, there are two easy options for running the example code, depending on whether or not you want to use a dummy client for performing tweet translation and sentiment analysis, or if you actually want to use Google's Natural Language API (which requires a service account) to perform these tasks.

Option 1 (dummy translation / sentiment analysis)

First, if you want to see this running without setting up a service account for the translation and sentiment analysis service, you can run the main application App after executing:

$ mvn clean install

to generate the necessary serialization class based on the Avro schema, which should eliminate all errors in the project.

Now, follow the instructions in Producing Test Data.

Option 2 (actual translation / sentiment analysis)

If you want the app to actually perform tweet translation and sentiment analysis, you will need to setup a service account with Google Cloud.

You can download gcloud by following the instructions here. Then, run the following commands to enable the translation / NLP (natural language processing) APIs, and to download your service account key.

# login to your GCP account
$ gcloud auth login <email>

# if you need to create a project
$ gcloud projects create <project-name> # e.g. kafka-streams-demo. must be globally unique so adjust accordingly

# set the project to the appropriate value
# see `gcloud projects list` for a list of valid projects
$ gcloud config set project <project>

# create a service account for making NLP API requests
$ gcloud beta iam service-accounts create <sa-name> \ # e.g. <sa-name> could be "dev-streams"
    --display-name "Kafka Streams"

# enable the NLP API
$ gcloud services enable

# enable the translate API
$ gcloud services enable

# create and download a key
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/gcp-demo-key.json \
     --iam-account <sa-name>@<project>

Then, set the following environment variable to the location where you saved your key.

export GCP_CREDS_PATH=~/gcp-demo-key.json

Finally, run the Kafka Streams application using the following command:

$ ./gradlew run --info

Now, follow the instructions in Producing Test Data.

Producing Test Data

A couple of test records are saved in the data/test.json file, which is mounted in the kafka container for convenience. Feel free to modify the data in this file as you see fit. Then, run the following command to produce the test data to the source topic (tweets).

$ docker-compose exec kafka bash

$ kafka-console-producer \
  --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
  --topic tweets < test.json

Then, in another tab, run the following command to consume data from the sink topic (crypto-sentiment).

$ docker-compose exec schema-registry bash

$ kafka-avro-console-consumer \
 --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
 --topic crypto-sentiment \

You should see records similar to the following appear in the sink topic.

{"created_at":1577933872630,"entity":"bitcoin","text":"Bitcoin has a lot of promise. I'm not too sure about #ethereum","sentiment_score":0.3444212495322003,"sentiment_magnitude":0.9464683988787772,"salience":0.9316858469669134}
{"created_at":1577933872630,"entity":"ethereum","text":"Bitcoin has a lot of promise. I'm not too sure about #ethereum","sentiment_score":0.1301464314096875,"sentiment_magnitude":0.8274198304784903,"salience":0.9112319163372604}