
Just example illustrates how to implement Zoom Custom UI on WPF app

Primary LanguageC#


Just application example that illustrates how to implement Zoom Custom UI in WPF app

alt text

Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BeLlG7OQa0

steps to app compilation

  1. Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/luferau/zoom-custom-ui-wpf.git
  1. Load Zoom SDK libraries

2.1. ZOOM changed the way of getting the library

ZOOM Windows SDK and C# wrapper now can only be downloaded from https://marketplace.zoom.us/develop Please follow this documentation https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/native-sdks/windows/c-sharp-wrapper to acquire Windows(C#) SDK libraries. After downloading .zip archive, just copy the bin folder from the archive to the root folder of the zoom-custom-ui-wpf repository and rename it to zoombin

2.2. Get v.5.2.42037.1112 from https://github.com/zoom/zoom-c-sharp-wrapper/

cd zoom-custom-ui-wpf

get-zoom-libraries.bat - this is a simple batch file that clone https://github.com/zoom/zoom-c-sharp-wrapper/ repository and copies Zoom SDK libraries to the appropriate directory

set "repo_name=zoom-c-sharp-wrapper"
set "repo_path=https://github.com/zoom/%repo_name%.git
set "repo_target_name=zoom-custom-ui-wpf"

git clone %repo_path%
cd %repo_name%
git checkout -b branch-98b4b6c8 98b4b6c8

xcopy /s/e/y "%repo_name%\bin" "%repo_target_name%\zoombin\"
  1. Open solution in VS2019

  2. Register your app at https://marketplace.zoom.us and generate SDK Key & Secret. See for help: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/build/sdk-app

  3. Fill your values in app CredentialsService

  4. Compile and run