
Vim plugin to support working with Zim Desktop Wiki files

Primary LanguageVim script

Zim Desktop Wiki plugin for Vim

            ___    /   /                                              
           |_ _|  /  /         _________      _                       
    ___      |_  / /          |_______  |    | |                      
   |_ _|  .-'   //                  ,' ,'     _     _  ____   ____    
       \ '     /  '    ___        ,' ,'      | |     \/ __ \ / __ \   
        |          | -|_ _|     ,' ,'        | |    | |   | |    | |  
        '.        .'          ,' ,'_____     | |    | |   | |    | |  
     ___/ '- __ -'          __|_________|__ _|_|_ __|_|   |_|    |_|__
    |_ _|     _|_                                                     
             |_ _|      Zim -  A Desktop Wiki  (for Vim 7.0 or newer) 

How to install

Download the zip and unzip it to ~/vim/pack/org/start/zim.

In Vim 8+, you shall just verify this line present in .vimrc :

syntax on

If you use Vim 7+ , the runtimepath shall be updated in .vimrc :

syntax on
set rtp+=~/vim/pack/org/start/zim

Verify the plugin is installed :

  • To get every commands and parameters -> :h Zim
  • To get a list of your notes -> :ZimList


When you want to use Vim to edit your Zim note

Just open the .txt file.

When you want to fetch informations stored in your NoteBooks

:ZimGrep ga -> show all notes mentioning 'ga'
:ZimList bu -> show all notes named 'something-bu'

When you want more

:ZimNewNote Notes/Bu/Zo Meu -> create new note(s) Bu/Zo Meu.txt titled 'Zo Meu' (subnote of 'Bu')
:ZimList meu m<Down>(select for move) m(move here) -> reorganize notes
:ZimList zo d(detect double) D(delete)-> remove a double
:ZimCmd title -> format the current line as a title (it shows the keybinding before)
:ZimNewNote <Tab>, :ZimList <Tab>, :ZimCmd <Tab>

About zim-vim

This section give some details about the development of this plugin.

Authors : Jack Mudge, Luffah

License : Public Domain
          CC-BY-SA for documentation and logo

## Known issues  
* When adding note, you shall refresh manually (restart) the index in Zim.
  In GNU linux see `:h g:zim_update_index_key`.
* No real Windows Support.
* Windows :Zim header command uses strftime, but due to working around Microsoft issues,
  it presently only supports Pacific Time Zone .

## Changelog
#### version 0.1 2016-09-13 - Jack Mudge <jakykong@theanythingbox.com>
* Initial commit and upload to Github. 
* This Zim plugin provides the following additions to Vim for use with Zim wiki files:
    * Syntax highlighting and filetype detection for Zim files
    * Commands to bold, italicize, strike, or mark text.
    * A command to add a header to new Zim files.

#### version 1.0 2017-06-13 - Luffah <luffah@runbox.com>
* Add documentation and logo
* Provide customisation, helpfile, and navigation features
* (change) Header accept user dialog instead of count
* (change) Syntax color reviewed in order to look more like Zim
* Mod. CreateZimHeader + minimal support of Linux strftime() + automatic title
* Customazible keymappings limited to zim buffers stored in g:zim_keymapping
* Filetype detection based on a path
* In insert mode : add bullet, numbering, or checkbox on <Leader><CR> with the result of ZimNextBullet
* Multilingual : English, French // translations can be added in file plugin/zim.vim
* You can now Search and jump to another note

#### version 1.1 2017-07-18 - Luffah <luffah@runbox.com>
* Allow to open files listed in a note with an external editor
* Add some tricks in help

#### version 1.2 2018-06-16 - Luffah <luffah@runbox.com>
* Add codeblock support
* Add [>] "moving" checkbox
* Now conceal url link (to only see the title)
* Can fill a note with the content of a web page.