
Unsupervised Learning of Object Categories from Video

Primary LanguageC++

Digital hand-in supplementary to the thesis

"Unsupervised learning of object categories from video"

by Jonas Luft,
as a partial fulfilment of the degree of "Master of Science" at TU Berlin, 2018.
Contact the author here via github

WARRANTIES. Use at your own risk.  
The package contains various third-party parts published under varying licenses.
ISM code developed at ETH Zurich in 2001-2004, 2006-2008 and at TU Darmstadt in 2004-2005, copyrighted 2001-2005 by Bastian Leibe. With slight alterations made by us for research purposes only.
Motion segmentation code copyrighted 2013 by Peter Ochs.
Please refer to files ISM/readme.txt and MotSeg/readme.txt respectively.
Sample data from Hopkins155 dataset:
R. Tron and R. Vidal. A Benchmark for the Comparison of 3-D Motion Segmentation Algorithms.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2007.

Use of our programs and files is made available for non-commercial purposes.

Important files
When problems occur with motion segmentation or ISM please consult the following files:


Dense motion segmentation requires either CUDA or sshpass and titan.cv.tu-berlin.de access.

Run code/ISM/install2.sh for installing and compiling ISM binaries.
Requires Qt3

To use features other than patches:
From code/ISM/mcmatcher9/INSTALL.txt:
"Create a symbolic link from "~/code" to the provided "code"
subdirectory. This is required, so that the detector can find the
feature extraction binaries.

ln -s $PWD/code ~/code"
$PWD being the ISM directory.

Run ./code/compile.sh to install our own tools for extracting figure masks and calculating category similarity.
Requires OpenCV2
Requires boost


We included two input videos from the Hopkins155 dataset and some procossing steps to illustrate intermediary results.

Preparing input files
Input files are provided at code/data/input/frames/$sequenceName/
with unique names (without containing dashes "-")
and a file $sequenceName.bmf according to code/MotSeg/readme.txt
as PPM files
List each sequence to be processed with it's $sequenceName in data/input/frames/sequences.txt
Alternatively, put your input videos as .avi files in data/input/* and run ./preparefiles.sh

Running the processing chain

run ./trainSequences.sh with the maximal number of iterations as the first parameter

./detectAll.sh takes a detector name as it's first argument and the IoU threshold for matching as the second parameter
It will run test detections with said detector on any sequences listed in data/input/frames/sequences.txt
and put it's results in data/output/detection.

Running ./evalSim.sh with 1. a detector, 2.  a Jaccard-index threshold (default 0.5) will compare the results of the previozus test detections with results calculated during training and present in data/output/training

You can use ./changeDetectorParam.sh to change ISM params either in trainSequences.sh (for training) or detect.sh (for testing). ./ISM/mcmatcher3/readme.txt has some notes. See files/carsall.params for possible parameters.

Processing Chain


.avi files in data/input/ 

0. preparefiles.sh:
    split to $sequence-%3frame.ppm frames
    create bmf file for MotSeg/MoSeg

Don't put hyphens "-" in file names!

list of sequences to be processed in data/input/frames/sequences.txt

1. ./MotSeg/MoSeg
    output: sparse segmentation in data/inter/tracking/OchsBroxMalik$subsampling_all_00000$nu.00/$sequence as ppm
    optical flow files in data/input/frames/$sequence/flowfiles

2. densify.sh
    output: dense segmentation in data/inter/denseSeg/$sequence as ppm

3. runExSeg.sh
    output: segmentation masks for each object in ExSeg/output/$sequence/$object as png

4. prepareISMfiles.sh
    output: object frames in data/inter/frames/$sequence/$object
    object masks in data/inter/frames/$sequence/$object/maps
    files with frame lists as files/$sequence.idl

5. runISM.sh
    output: codebook files in files/codebooks/$detector

6. createOccurences.sh
    output: occurence files in files/codebooks/$detector

7. generateDetectors.sh 
    output: detector files in files/codebooks/$detector
    detector list in files/codebooks/detectors.txt

8. runTrainingDetection.sh
    runs detections on figure arey only.
    output: detections of detectors in files/codebooks/detectors.txt and all sequences in data/output/training/$detector-$sequence
    results in data/output/training/$detector-$sequence/results.txt

9. mergeCats.sh
    output: updated detector list in files/codebooks/detectors.txt

8. and 9. iterating.


1. detectAll.sh
    runs detections on whole frames.
    input: sequences, output from training.8 and $detector
    output: detections and results in data/output/detection

2. evalSim.sh
    input: output from training.8 and from 1
    output: baseline comparison results in data/output/detection/1eval_$detector.txt
