• Project Oversight: LUG President Bennett Maciorowski
  • Project Lead/Manager: Joshua Castor
  • Project BackEnd Lead: Will Toher
  • Project Deployment: Bharat Middha (LUG VP/SysAdmin)
  • Project FrontEnd Lead: Joshua Castor


  • Git
  • Node.js 8+
  • NPM 6.4.x+ (should come with Node.js)
  • Python 3.7.x
  • Pipenv (recommended)
  • An editor that supports Pylint, Editorconfig, ESLint, and Vue syntax highlighting, e.g. VSCode


(TODO) Current thoughts are to run back end and front end from 2 different docker containers


We are using a version of the Git Flow style in this repository. This means that the master branch, the first branch you see when you load this page, is the last stable version of the website, and the develop branch incorporates more recent changes. Any changes you make should be done in a new branch which derives from develop.

Contributing to the Frontend

The frontend site is a project using the Vue.js framework.


First, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Git
  • Node.js 8+
  • NPM 6.4.x+ (should come with Node.js)
  • An editor that supports ESLint and Vue syntax highlighting, e.g. VSCode

Clone the repository and go to the frontend-site folder:

git clone
cd frontend-site

Switch to the develop branch:

git checkout develop

Install dependencies with npm:

npm install

VSCode Setup

If you are using VSCode, you should install the following plugins:


From the frontend-site folder, run the following command to start a local development server. As you make changes to the Vue project, the local server will auto compile your changes and let you know of any errors found.

npm run serve

If you need to access any backend API endpoints during development, refer to the instructions below on setting up the backend server.

Contributing to the Backend

The backend server is based on Python 3.7.x, using the Flask framework.


First, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Git
  • Python 3.7.x
  • Pipenv (recommended)
  • An editor that supports Pylint and Editorconfig, e.g. VSCode

Clone the repository:

git clone

Switch to the 'develop' branch:

git checkout develop

Install Python packages with pipenv:

pipenv install --dev

If you don't want to use pipenv, all package dependencies are listed in the file Pipfile. Currently, these are:

  • flask
  • flask-cors
  • pylint

You can install these packages with the python package management solution of your choice (pip+virtualenv, conda, poetry, ...). Please use a tool and don't just install random python packages with naked pip, though; it might be ok now but something will break eventually.

VSCode Setup

If you are using VSCode, you should install the following plugins:

To make pipenv work with VSCode, you'll need to add this line to your settings.json:

"python.venvPath": "~/.virtualenvs",

Then enter Ctrl-P and select the command Python: Select Interpreter; from that list, choose the one with "" in its name.


(Omit pipenv shell from all below instructions if not using Pipenv)

Powershell (Windows):

pipenv shell
$env:FLASK_ENV = 'development'
$env:FLASK_DEBUG = 1
flask run

Bash (MacOS and Linux):

pipenv shell
export FLASK_ENV=development
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run