
Discord bot mainly used in the Dofus Discord server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord bot mainly used in the Dofus Discord server.



  • /ads URL - Lets a user request the Streamer/Youtube/Artist roles.
  • /almanax yyyy-mm-dd - Fetch the Almanax offering of the specified day.
  • /chat message - Have a chat with the bot.
  • /colour hue luminosity - Change the colour of the Nitro Booster role to a random colour, can also write a specific hue/colour (colour name or colour hex code) and select the luminosity/brightness (bright, light or dark).
  • /delete number @user #channel - Delete a number of messages in the current channel (100 max per use), can select a user to only delete their messages or a channel to transfer the deleted messages to, can also select both or none.
  • /image @user minutes - Gives permissions to send images for the selected user for x minutes, 2 by default.
  • /info @user - Displays information about the selected user, if a user is not selected, displays information about the sender.
  • /warn @user reason - Warns the selected user.


  • Sends the Almanax offering for the current day to the specified Almanax channel, refreshes each midnight DUT (Dofus time).
  • Sends Dofus RSS/Twitter/Youtube posts to the specified English/French Announcement channels, as well as Ankama Youtube videos to the specified Ads channel.
  • Sends the leaderboards of the server to the specified Leaderboard channel, refreshes on the first day of each month.
  • Sends deleted messages to the specified Log channel.
  • Gives the Streaming role to users who have the Streamer role and are currently streaming, as well as removes the Streaming role when they finish streaming.
  • Removes random characters from the start of nicknames, used by people to pop up at the top of the online list.
  • Changes the colour of the Nitro Booster role to a random colour every hour.
  • Fetches the message count of users and logs it to a database.

Permissions Needed

  • Read Text Channels
  • Read Message History
  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages
  • Manage Nicknames
  • Manage Roles (The bot's role also needs to be above the Nitro Booster/Streaming/Streamer/Leaderboard roles)