
:rocket: Lightweight wrapper library around react-apollo and apollo-server-express to build universal (isomorphic) app with less boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Universal React Apollo

Universal React Apollo is a lightweight wrapper library around react-apollo and apollo-server-express to make it easy to build an universal app and reduce boilerplate code.


Install Universal React Apollo and related libraries

npm install -S universal-react-apollo react react-dom apollo-client apollo-cache-inmemory apollo-link-http apollo-link-schema react-apollo graphql-tag graphql-tools graphql apollo-server-express express


Step 1: Server side setup

  • Define the route setting of your application
// file: routes.js
import React from 'react'

import HomeApp from './pages/home/app'

export default [
    method: 'get', // default is get if this field is not defined
    path: '/home',
    htmlTagAttrs: {lang: 'en-GB'},
    appElement: ({ req }) => <HomeApp />,
    headElement: ({ req }) => <title>Home</title>,
    bodyBottomElement: ({ req }) => <script src="/static/bundle.js"></script>
  • Initialize the universal (isomorphic) app
// file: server.js
import express from 'express'
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'
import { initServer } from 'universal-react-apollo'

import typeDefs from '/path/to/your/gqlSchema'
import resolvers from '/path/to/your/gqlResolvers'
import dataSources from '/path/to/your/gqlDataSources'
import routes from './routes'

// create express server instance
const app = express()
const apolloOptions = {
  dataSources: () => dataSources,
  context: ({ req }) => {
    return {
      cookies: req.cookies

// mount additional middleware so that you can get information from request context

// mount application routes and apollo server middleware
initServer(app, routes, apolloOptions)

// mount generic server side error handler
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  if (res.headersSent) {
    return next(err)
  res.send('Oops... something went wrong')

// start server
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('server is running'))

Step 2: Client side setup

Render the universal app in application entry point

// file: index.js

import React from 'react'
import clientRender from 'universal-react-apollo/clientRender'

import HomeApp from './pages/home/app'

clientRender(<HomeApp />)

That's it! You have finished building a gql-based universal application.

Error handling

Server side rendering error will be passed to next() so that you can write your own error middleware function to handle it. See the error-handling part of Express document for details.


initServer(app, routes, apolloOptions, [production])

This function will mount apollo-server-express middleware to the express app instance you passed in and create the application routing handlers according to the route config.


arg description
app Express app instance
routes An array of route object (see data model section)
apolloOptions Apollo server configuration options
production (optional) Flag indicates that the universal app is running in production mode or not. We use this flag to decide to turn on or off GQL playground. Default value is false
cors Cors options. Default value is false


Hydrate the universal app container (reuse server-side generated HTML content and attach event listeners to existing markup).


arg description
appElement Main application react element
inMemoryCacheConfig apollo client InMemoryCache constructor config object (available options: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/advanced/caching/#configuration)

Data Model



field description
path Same as Express middleware path argument
appElement A function called with current request that returns a React element you want to render into the app container when the given path is matched
method (optional) The http method of the request. Express app.METHOD supported routing methods are all valid
htmlTagAttrs (optional) Dom attributes of tag
headElement (optional) A function called with current request that returns a React element you want to render into the <head> tag when the given path is matched
bodyBottomElement (optional) A function called with current request that returns a React element you want to render into the bottom of <body> tag when the given path is matched
middlewareChain (optional) An array of express middleware function
responseStatusCode (optional) The http status code of response (defaults to 200)