
Very basic kernel written in Zig

Primary LanguageZig

Minimal Bare Metal Zig Kernel for aarch64

Very basic aarch64 kernel written in Zig.


I started this project with the goal of writing a simple kernel with a few drivers (in zig). Since Zig is not completely stable (yet; on aarch64), I found a few issues and quirks one of which is a compiler bug. The compiler bug is an issue with struct returns, that is not resolved yet. It's not a dealbreaker though, since one can maneuver around that quite easily. I posted that issue on Zigs git with a complete description of the observed behaviour and hypothesis: ziglang/zig#11859. For debugging purposes I implemented the ramfb driver in C as well(which helped me to resolve the issue): https://github.com/luickk/qemu-ramfb-aarch64-driver and the arm a53 interrupt controller gicv2: https://github.com/luickk/zig-gicv2.

As up to now, depending on the build mode (more on that in the gh issue), the kernel either runs fine & the ramfb driver works or it doesn't boot.



  • qemu-system-aarch64
  • zig

To build the kernel just run
zig build and to emulate it,
zig build emulate-serial

Ramfb (simple virtual display)

The driver can be found here (my C implementation)

Manual Build Scripts (deprecated)


  • aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
  • aarch64-linux-gnu-ld
  • qemu-system-aarch64
  • zig

The manual build can be found in build_scripts/ and consists of the necessary build scripts for a standarad aarch64 virtual machine. Just run build_toolchain.sh as well as run_qemu.sh to test the kernel.

A full implementation using the zig builder is in process.

