
Repository of the covid-19 app hosted on shinyapps server

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Monitoring of COVID-19 for Italy

The main of the app is to monitor the covid-19 situation at the local level (province) and the country level. Moreover, projections based on statistical model are obtained and the weight on the health infrastrucures are evaluated. The purpose of the app is purely illustrative.

The app is hosted at: https://luigic.shinyapps.io/covid/

The panel control reports the detail of the four tabs as reported below:

Province tab

Plot 1) Daily increase of positive case. 2) Total number of positive cases.

Region tab

Plot 1) Daily increase of: Hospitalized, ICU and deaths by region. Plot 2) Total number of Hospitalized, ICU and deaths by region

Nation tab

Plot 1) Cumulative number of infected people and projection up to 15 days for 3 model: Exponential, 2nd degree Polynomial and Logistic. Map 1) Distribution by province of the number of infected

Health Infrastructures tab

Map 1) Ratio between the number of people in ICU and the total number of ICU beds at regional scale*. Map 2) Number of people in deaths for each region.

*Data on the number of ICU beds is continously increasing, and are recovered from "unofficial" source (i.e. regione.it, newspapers)