This is an Eclipse project, you can start using it just importing it clicking on File -> import -> General -> Existing project into workspace To run the project you have to 1. run the ANT taks named "persistence-compile" - you can do it on the command line with "ant persistence-compile" - you can run it in Eclipse, if you have Ant plugin instaled - IMPORTANT: do it every time you start the application 2. create a run configuration: - Run -> Run Configuratoins... -> Java Application (right click) -> New - in Main tab - choose current project - write "org.mortbay.start.Main" as Main Class - in Arguments tab - Program arguments: src/jetty.xml - VM arguments: -Djetty-webapp=WebContent 3. execute your run configuration You can also create a WAR file just using the "dist" ANT target If you want to start experimenting with Roma, you can start from the MainPage class. Enjoy!
this is a typical scaffolding of a Roma-MetaFramework project. You can fork it and use it as a starting point for your Roma projects