
📷 Instagram Like/Comment/Follow Automation Script

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Disclaimer: Please Note that this is a research project. I am by no means responsible for any usage of this tool. Use on your own behalf. I'm also not responsible if your accounts get banned due to extensive use of this tool.

# InstaPy [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg)](https://github.com/timgrossmann/InstaPy/blob/master/LICENSE) [![built with Selenium](https://img.shields.io/badge/built%20with-Selenium-red.svg)](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium) [![built with Python3](https://img.shields.io/badge/Built%20with-Python3-green.svg)](https://www.python.org/)

Instagram Like, Comment and Follow Automation Script

Automation Script for "farming" Likes, Comments and Followers on Instagram.
Implemented in Python using the Selenium module.


```python from instapy import InstaPy

InstaPy(username='test', password='test')
.set_do_comment(True, percentage=10)
.set_comments(['Cool!', 'Awesome!', 'Nice!'])
.set_dont_include(['friend1', 'friend2', 'friend3'])
.set_dont_like(['food', 'girl', 'hot'])
.like_by_tags(['dog', '#cat'], amount=100)

<h2>It's easy to use and the built in delays prevent your account from getting banned. (Just make sure you don't like 1000s of post/day)</h2>
<h5>Getting started</h5>
pip3.5 install selenium
pip3.5 install git+git://github.com/Clarifai/clarifai-python.git

If you want the script to get the username and password for your environment, you can do:

``` export INSTA_USER="" export INSTA_PW="" ```
```python from instapy import InstaPy

#if you don't provide arguments, the script will look for INSTA_USER and INSTA_PW in the environment

session = InstaPy(username='test', password='test') session.login()

#likes 100 posts of dogs

session.like_by_tags(['#dog'], amount=100) session.like_from_image(url='www.instagram.com/image', amount=100)


<h5>Restricting Likes</h5>
#searches the description for the given words and won't
# like the image if one of the words are in there

session.set_dont_like(['food', 'eat', 'meal'])
Ignoring Restrictions
```python #will ignore the don't like if the description contains # one of the given words

session.set_ignore_if_contains(['glutenfree', 'french', 'tasty'])

#default enabled=False, ~ every 4th image will be commented on

session.set_do_comment(enabled=True, percentage=25)
session.set_comments(['Awesome', 'Really Cool', 'I like your stuff'])
```python #default enabled=False, follows ~ every 10th user from the images, times=1 (only follows a user once (if unfollowed again))

session.set_do_follow(enabled=True, percentage=10, times=2)

<h5>Excluding friends</h5>
#will prevent commenting on and unfollowing your good friends (the images will still be liked)

session.set_dont_include(['friend1', 'friend2', 'friend3'])
```python #unfollows 10 of the accounts your following -> instagram will only unfollow 10 before you'll be 'blocked for 10 minutes' (if you enter a higher number than 10 it will unfollow 10, then wait 10 minutes and will continue then)


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<h3>Clarifai ImageAPI</h3>
<img src="https://d1qb2nb5cznatu.cloudfront.net/startups/i/396673-2fb6e8026b393dddddc093c23d8cd866-medium_jpg.jpg?buster=1399901540" width="200" align="right">
<h6>Note: Head over to https://developer.clarifai.com/signup/ and create a free account, once you're logged in go to https://developer.clarifai.com/account/applications/ and create a new application. You can find the client ID and Secret there. You get 5000 API-calls free/month.</h6>
<p>If you want the script to get your Clarifai_ID and Clarifai_Secret for your environment, you can do:</p>


<h4>Example with Imagecontent handling</h4>
from instapy import InstaPy

InstaPy(username='test', password='test')\
  .set_do_comment(True, percentage=10)\
  .set_comments(['Cool!', 'Awesome!', 'Nice!'])\
  .set_dont_include(['friend1', 'friend2', 'friend3'])\
  .set_dont_like(['food', 'girl', 'hot'])\
  .clarifai_check_img_for(['food', 'lunch', 'dinner'], comment=True, comments=['Tasty!', 'Nice!', 'Yum!'])\
  .like_by_tags(['dog', '#cat'], amount=100)\
Enabling Imagechecking
```python #default enabled=False , enables the checking with the clarifai api (image tagging) #if secret and proj_id are not set, it will get the environment Variables # 'Clarifai_SECRET' and 'CLARIFAI_ID'

session.set_use_clarifai(enabled=True, secret='xyz', proj_id='123')

<h5>Filtering inappropriate images</h5>
# uses the clarifai api to check if the image contains nsfw content
# -> won't comment if image is nsfw

Specialized comments for images with specific content
```python #checks the image for keywords food and lunch, if found, #comments with the given comments

session.check_image_for(['food', 'lunch'], comment=True, comments=['Tasty!', 'Yum!'])

<h6>Check out https://clarifai.com/demo to see some of the available tags.</h6>
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<h6>Have Fun & Feel Free to report any issues</h6>