
Shared configuration files

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Files and Folders in this repository:

.bashrc (bash configuration)
.beetsconfig (beets music tagger configuration)
.emacs (emacs configuration)
.emacs.d (extra emacs modes)
.mpdscribble (mpd scrobbler configuration)
.tmux.conf (it's so much nicer than screen, but C-a is burned into my fingers by now)
.pentadactyl (colour and plugin configurations for pentadactyl)
.pentadactylrc (pentadactyl main configuration)
.Xdefaults (mainly for urxvt configuration)
.xinitrc (configuration for launching X)
.xscreensaver (xscreensaver screen locker configuration)
.ncmpcpp/config (making terminal-based music pretty)