
Our client asked us to perform and EDA on the selling of properties on Zillow. My personal contribution to this project was performing a spatial analysis, and visualizing how the ‘Days Sold’ measurement varied in its geographical location. The analysis was performed in R, with the libraries dplyr for data cleaning and data manipulation. Leaflet was used for geographical visualization. geoR was used to access geostatistical tools such as variograms, alongside other data visualization tools.


As the final capstone project for UCLA Statistics’ Undergraduate Program, we were tasked to work with clients in performing an exploratory data analysis and performance of machine learning techniques on a dataset of their choice.

Our client asked us to perform and EDA on the selling of properties on Zillow. My personal contribution to this project was performing a spatial analysis, and visualizing how the ‘Days Sold’ measurement varied in its geographical location.

The analysis was performed in R, with the libraries dplyr for data cleaning and data manipulation. Leaflet was used for geographical visualization. geoR was used to access geostatistical tools such as variograms, alongside other data visualization tools.

We first begin with loading the data and preparing it for use in R.

Github Pages of this project can be found here: https://luigimagdamitucla.github.io/ZillowGeostatisticalAnalysis/