
A personal collection of HTML5 CSS, Canvas and WebGL experiments crafted in my spare time

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

WebGL/Javascript Experiments 🧪🔬 (⚠️ WIP )

List of Experiments

Below a list of the experiments contained in this repository and hosted on github pages

Three.js / Three-Fiber

  • Displacement Shader

    The above experiment is a simple vertex displacement shader with a simple height fragment shader (eg, higher the displacement, brighter the emissive color of the mesh). Renderer has the UnrealBloom postprocess effect applied to it.

  • GLTF Loader

    Demo of the glTF™ (GL Transmission Format) file loader. ARC-170 Fighter Model by courtesy of SketchFab.

  • Audio Visualizer

    Music visualizer using AudioContext APIs. Uses an <audio> tag to load and play the source and read the audiostream from.



  • MatterJS Repulsor

    This MatterJS experiment uses springs on a grid to simulate a pattern and makes use of the matter-attractors base plugin with a custom function to reverse its attractor effect.


Local development

As usual npm install and npm start to run the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Run npm run build builds the app for production to the build folder.