
RaspberriPI LAN probe

Primary LanguageShell


RaspberryPI 4 LAN probe


  • Raspberry PI 4
  • 32 Gb microSD
  • Active PoE splitter Amazon
  • Touch screen Amazon


Installation Procedure

  • Connect the microSD to a PC
  • Install Raspberry PI Imager and write the standard Raspberry OS image (with desktop) to the SD
  • Extract the microSD card and insert again in the PC
  • In the boot partition (mounted as root by Windows, is the partition with start.elf file) create an empty file named ssh
  • Eject the microSD, put it on Raspberry and boot the device connected to the network, get the IP address from DHCP server
  • Open a ssh session with the Raspberry, username pi, pass raspberry
  • Update the OS with sudo apt update and then sudo apt full-upgrade and reboot the device
  • Install the touch screen driver for MHS-3.5” RPi Display(MHS3528) Documentation
  • Set up the display in portrait orientation (see the instruction on how to rotate the screen)
  • sudo raspi-config
    • 8->Update
    • 1->S7 enable spalsh screen
    • 5->L2->None of the above->UTC
  • Edit /home/pi/.config/libfm/libfm.conf and set quick_exec=1 under config section
  • Install some additional packages: sudo apt-get install mc tshark gawk
  • Put LLDPi.desktop file in ~/Desktop
  • Create directory ~/.config/autostart and ln -s /home/pi/Desktop/LLDPi.desktop /home/pi/.config/autostart/LLDPi.desktop
  • Put the LLDPi folder in pi home directory

Helpful links