Deep Scene Relighting for Video

The goal of this project is to take a source video with unknown lighting conditions and apply new lighing to the video under any target illumination. The project report can be found here and the project video can be viewed here.

alt text

The code can be run using video_scripts/ using the following command line arguments.

Argument Default Value Description
--video_name face_video.mp4 Name of the video to process
--image None Name of a single image to process
--lighting None Name of the target lighting to use
--intrinseg_weights_loc ../intrinsic_image_decomposition/intrinseg/experiment/ synthetic_trained/checkpoints/final.checkpoint Model location for the intrinsic image decomposition
--normal_weights_loc ./normal_weights/ExpNYUD_three.ckpt Model location for the normal estimation network
--cmap_file_loc ./normal_weights/cmap_nyud.npy Color map location
--output_file relit_video.mp4 Output filename
--visualize False Set this flag to visualize each frame as the video processes
--benchmark False Set this flag to run an entire dataset of images
--gt_normals False Set this flag to use ground truth normals from a microsoft Kinect sensor
--gt_lighting False Set this flag to the use groud truth target lighting for error calculations
--kinect False Set this flag to use RGB images from a Microsoft Kinect sensor. They will be cropped to the coverage area of the depth sensor.