
3DS GPIO Module reimplement

Primary LanguageCThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Open source implementation of gpio system module.
With intent of being a documentation supplement, but also working as replacement.
Also in mind trying to make result binary as small as possible.


Just run make.
It will create a cxi file, and you can extract code.bin and exheader.bin with ctrtool, or some other tool, to place it in /luma/titles/0004013000001B02/.
This requires game patching to be enabled on luma config.


This code itself is under Unlicense. Read LICENSE.txt
The folders source/3ds and include/3ds have source files taken from ctrulib, with modifications for the purpose of this program.
Copy of ctrulib's license in LICENSE.ctrulib.txt

Modifications to ctrulib

Ctrulib changed to generate smaller code, slimmed down sources and headers for a quicker read, and not depend on std libraries.
As well some changes to behavior on result throw.