
XMLs for 3DS 9.6-crypto titles, for use with *hax 2.7+ - open to pull requests

*hax 2.7 XML repository for 9.6-crypto titles

This is a repository containing XML files for use with *hax 2.7. They are game-specific offsets for titles that are using 9.6 encryption. These XML files should be placed at "mmap" at the root of your 3DS SD card.

Generating the XMLs


  • Python 2.7
  • A 3DS with 9.2.0-20 or lower or using arm9loaderhax
  • Decrypt9 by Archshift, Decrypt9WIP by d0k3 or Decrypt9UI by Shadowtrance
  • 3dstool and ctrtool
  • A rom of the game that uses 9.6 encryption
  • List of games with their respective seeds and title IDs
  • Patched games/rom hacks may have a modified code.bin so they are not a good base to start on, the original game should always be used.
  • This modified script of ncchinfo_gen.py
  • smealum's 96crypto_dbgen.py script to generate the XMLs
  • Certain key files (these files can not be linked here, you'll have to search for them, and the size of them should be exactly 16 bytes):
  • slot0x25keyX.bin (SHA-256: 7e878dde92938e4c717dd53d1ea35a75633f5130d8cfd7c76c8f4a8fb87050cd) (only needed when decrypting Secure2 if your 3DS is below version 7.0 or if you're using arm9loaderhax)
  • slot0x18keyX.bin (SHA-256: 76c76b655db85219c5d35d517ffaf7a43ebad66e31fbdd5743925937a893ccfc) (only needed when decrypting Secure3 on certain New3DS exclusive titles if you're using a Old3DS or if you're using arm9loaderhax)
  • slot0x1BkeyX.bin (SHA-256: 9a201e7c3737f3722e5b578d11837f197ca65bf52625b2690693e4165352c6bb) (only needed when decrypting Secure4 on certain New3DS exclusive titles on any console)
  • seeddb.bin with the seed of the game (only needed if the rom came from the eShop and isn't cryptofixed)
  • A basic knowledge on how to use the terminal/command line

Decrypting the rom


If your game is a .3ds/.cci, then just run ncchinfo_gen_exefs.py on it.

python ncchinfo_gen_exefs.py game.3ds

It should generate a file named ncchinfo.bin. If the script only prints "Done!" or the ncchinfo.bin size is 16 bytes, then your rom may not be valid.

If your game is a .cia, then you will have to extract the contents out of the CIA and then run ncchinfo_gen_exefs.py on the main content.

ctrtool --contents=contents game.cia

This should create files starting with the same name specified in the --contents argument, if so, run ncchinfo_gen_exefs.py on contents.0000.xxxxxxxx (replace xxxxxxxx with the value in the filename). If nothing was extracted, then the CIA your using may be invalid. Also, if ncchinfo_gen_exefs.py only prints "Done!" or the ncchinfo.bin size is 16 bytes, then the CIA your might be encrypted or something is wrong with it. CIAs generated from CDN content using FunkyCIA are encrypted.

Dealing with encrypted CIA files

If your CIA is encrypted and you can't generate a valid ncchinfo.bin because of that, then you'll have to decrypt the CIA directly using Decrypt9, and there are two methods of decrypting the CIA.

Method 1 - Deep CIA Decryption

This method is easy and will allow you to skip most of the upcoming parts, but can be time consuming if the CIA is big.

Place the CIA inside the /D9Game directory on the root of the SD card, the seeddb.bin inside /Decrypt9 and the necessary KeyX files on the root of the SD or /Decrypt9. Start Decrypt9 using one of the various entry points, then go to "Game Decryptor Options" and select "CIA Decryptor (deep)". This will take some time. If it fails, then there's something wrong with your CIA.

But if it's successful, then, since you have decrypted everything, you might as well extract the contents and the exefs.

ctrtool --contents=contents game.cia
ctrtool --exefsdir=exefs --decompresscode contents.0000.xxxxxxxx

(Don't forget to replace xxxxxxxx with the value in the filename) This should extract the decompressed code.bin out of the exefs on the main content and you can skip everything below up to "Extract code.bin and generate XML" and skip the first command.

  • --decompresscode may not be needed here, however we don't know how older versions of ctrtool will react to it missing.
Method 2 - Shallow CIA Decryption

This method is also easy and it can be less time consuming, but you still have to do everything coming after this part.

Place the CIA inside the /D9Game directory on the root of the SD card. Start Decrypt9 from whatever entrypoint on your 3DS, go to Game Decryptor Options and select CIA Decryptor (shallow), after that you'll have to wait until it's finished. If it fails, then there's something wrong with your CIA.

But if it's successful, then extract the contents from the CIA and run ncchinfo_gen_exefs.py again.

ctrtool --contents=contents game.cia
python ncchinfo_gen_exefs.py contents.0000.xxxxxxxx

(Don't forget to replace xxxxxxxx with the value in the filename) This should create a file named ncchinfo.bin. If ncchinfo_gen_exefs.py only prints "Done!" or the ncchinfo.bin size is 16 bytes, then there's something is wrong with your CIA.

Generating the XORpads

Now it's time to generate the xorpads using Decrypt9. First, you'll need to place both ncchinfo.bin and seeddb.bin (seeddb.bin is needed only if rom is from the eShop) inside the /Decrypt9 directory located in the root of the SD card and the necessary KeyX files in the root of the SD card. Start Decrypt9 from whatever entrypoint on your 3DS, go to XORpad Generator Options and select NCCH Padgen. If everything goes well, this will generate the XORpads to decrypt the rom exefs. The XORpads will be placed inside /Decrypt9 in the SD card.

Applying the XORpads on the exefs

With the xorpads you can now start decrypting the rom exefs. If your rom is a .3ds, you will have to extract the main partition. This can be done by running 3dstool (if you have a .cia you can skip this command).

3dstool -xvt0f cci 0.cxi rom.3ds

This will extract the main partition to 0.cxi, if you're working with a .cia you already have extracted the main content previously (contents.0000.xxxxxxxx) and you will have to replace 0.cxi with that file on the next command. Now it's time to get the actual decrypted exefs with 3dstool using the xorpads, so you may want to move them to the same directory as the rom. If you only have one xorpad (.Main.exefs_norm.xorpad) run 3dstool like this:

3dstool -xvtf cxi 0.cxi --exefs exefs.bin --exefs-xor 000400000XXXXX00.Main.exefs_norm.xorpad

If you have two xorpads (.Main.exefs_norm.xorpad and .Main.exefs_7x.xorpad), add the --exefs-top-xor argument for exefs_7x:

3dstool -xvtf cxi 0.cxi --exefs exefs.bin --exefs-xor 000400000XXXXX00.Main.exefs_norm.xorpad --exefs-top-xor 000400000XXXXX00.Main.exefs_7x.xorpad

(Replace the crosses with the title id.) If no mistakes were made or nothing failed, you should now have a decrypted exefs.bin.

Extract code.bin and generate XML

Now this is the easy part, extract and decompress the code.bin can be done by running ctrtool:

ctrtool -t exefs --exefsdir=exefs --decompresscode exefs.bin

This should create a directory named exefs with the decompressed code.bin in it. Now it's time to generate the XML by running smealum's 96crypto_dbgen.py script.

python 96crypto_dbgen.py exefs/code.bin > 000400000XXXXX00.xml

(Replace the crosses with actual title id.) This will print the offsets into the XML.

Place the XML on /mmap on root of the SD card, and the game should now work properly with *hax 2.7 or later.

Add to the repository

To add your newly generated XML to this repository, add the game title to the first line of the XML, like this:

<!-- Name of Game (Region) -->

For example, if the game was "Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer" for the USA version, it would look like this:

<!-- Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (USA) -->

If you don't how to make a pull request, there a lot of documentation on GitHub help page which may help you.