
The NodeOS git client

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm npm The MIT License

The git client used by NodeOS.


It may or may not be needed to build libgit2, this dependes on nodegit!

If they're providing a prebuild version of libgit2 for your Node.js version then prebuild will download the prebuild version of libgit2.

This cuts the installation down to a short time.


Note: Global installation is preffered!


$ npm i -g nodeos-git


$ npm i -S nodeos-git

You can also install the next version of nodeos-git which provides async/await support, but this version is untested due to nodegit's support of Node.js 7.x.x


const git = require('nodeos-git')

// Add files to git
git.add([ files, ... ], { options })
   .catch(err => console.log.bind(console))
   .done(files => {
     console.log(`Added: ${files} to staging`)

// checkout a branch
git.checkout(branch, options)
   .catch(err => console.log.bind(console))
   .done(branch => {
     console.log(`Checkout ${branch}`)

// clone a remote repository
git.clone(remote_repo, dir, options)
   .catch(err => console.log.bind(console))
   .done(repo => {
     console.log(`Cloned repository to ${directory}`)

// ...


$ npm test

API Documentation

Coming soon