Deployment Manager: A basic server in GO!

This guide shows how to deploy a very tiny, very small Server in go. Just one file (OK just two, but you totally can pass all the properties defined in .properties file via manual input).

Deploying to Google Cloud

  gcloud deployment-manager deployments create qs-example \
    --template deployment.jinja \
    --properties $(cat '.properties' | tr '\n' ',') \

About the repo

I cannot stress this enough but the only files you need for the deployment to work are: ´.properties´ and ´deployment.jinja´. The rest of the files are already included in the startup-script property of the deployment.jinja file.

.properties       #key=value pair configs about deployment
deployment.jinja  #Collections of resources to be deployed
goweb.service     #Instructins for debian OS to start our service
main.go           #Our server        #The script is going to run as soon as the machine instance starts


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