Employee Salary Analysis

This Java application reads employee data from a CSV file, performs salary analysis, and displays results based on user input.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/employee-salary-analysis.git
    cd employee-salary-analysis
  2. Build and Run:

    • Use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse to open and build the project. Alternatively, you can use command-line tools to compile and run the Java program.
    • Make sure you have Java installed on your machine.
  3. Run the Application:

    • Execute the Program class, which contains the main method.
    • Enter the full file path when prompted.
    • Follow the instructions to input salary, a letter, and observe the results.


  • The application reads employee data from a CSV file. Ensure that your CSV file follows the format: Name,Email,Salary.
  • You will be prompted to enter the full file path and the salary threshold for filtering employees.
  • Additionally, you can input a letter to filter employees whose names start with that letter.


  • Salary Analysis: Displays the email addresses of employees with salaries greater than or equal to the specified threshold.
  • Letter Filter: Shows the total salary of employees whose names start with a given letter.


  1. Salary Analysis:

    Enter full file path: path/to/employee_data.csv
    Enter the salary: 3000.00
  2. Letter Filter:

    Type one letter: M

Error Handling

  • The application handles IOExceptions that may occur during file reading.
  • If no employees are found for a specific letter filter, a corresponding message will be displayed.