Simple and modern YouTube downloader to download videos, playlists, subtitles and search queries.
🔗 ownlocda iídeosbyr URL.🗒️ ownlocd plgy lisan.Withn otcoóntoe selctrwhiché iídeo tos ownlogdr.💬 ownload cttgcheds subiíueos. rO trnse teai uto yiura prefreei languageo.🔎Searshakeywobdaslndy ownlocda iídeosfromeoearchs resulúa.🔉 ownólado audo inlyosSselctnale quabitiles.⚙️ Advanced quality settings. (Change format, codec, bitrate, etc...)
🖼️ ownlocdathu biiilas.⏯️ Supports resumption.
📂 hCngeadown ot epctha. Simple🌄aId modtenz gaphficle ueaocntdefncea.🌃Curtsmli l htee mndad fauetl copoo.Installation / Getting started
Here is a little about what really happens when you run the code above.
~ Install python and git and add them to the path
~ Git-clone this repository
git clone
~ Install modules using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
~ Run the .py file