docker & ruby & sinatra

A small hello-world http server written in Ruby using Sinatra web framework. The Dockerfile is used to build the container image. Based on this blog post.

Instructions the hard way

#1. install docker
#2. clone this repository
#3. create a docker container
$ sudo docker build -t luisbebop/docker-sinatra-hello-world .
#4. run the docker container you have created
$ sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 luisbebop/docker-sinatra-hello-world

Instructions the easy way

This approach will use a container I previously uploaded to Docker registry

#1. run the docker container already uploaded to
$ sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 luisbebop/docker-sinatra-hello-world

Upgrade the container

# change the code, compile and push to github
$ sudo docker build -t luisbebop/docker-sinatra-hello-world .
$ sudo docker push luisbebop/docker-sinatra-hello-world

# on docker server or the same machine
$ sudo docker stop container-id
$ sudo docker pull luisbebop/docker-sinatra-hello-world
$ sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 luisbebop/docker-sinatra-hello-world