
This is an example of a decentralized key value store using libp2p and Kademlia.

It also uses mDNS to sync nodes on the same network, if the network allows it.

The node will attach to the port 30333.

When the node start you can use 2 commands: PUT and GET.

The key value store will be replicated between all nodes on the network.


# install rust
$ curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y

# run 1st node
$ cargo run

# run 2nd node
# /ip4/ is the address of the first node
# QmSnySq2WeXVrvF767DAkucmwCwNLAvZ5nhoEiUYUNc9f5 is the peer id of the first node
$ cargo run /ip4/ QmSnySq2WeXVrvF767DAkucmwCwNLAvZ5nhoEiUYUNc9f5


$ PUT foo bar
$ GET foo