
AlloyUI Website - Work in Progress

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AlloyUI - Website

This is a working in progress of AlloyUI's website. Check the Status here.

If you are having any problem with the library, please create an issue on liferay/alloy-ui repository.

Table of contents


So do you want to help us? That's pretty awesome!

We are very happy to accept external contributions in the form of feedback, bug reports or pull requests :)

For now, you can help us in the website by writing tutorials or examples for those components that we didn't add yet. See the list of components that needs to the added.

Or go ahead and read our main guide.

How it works?

We use DocPad, a static generator in NodeJS.


  1. Install NodeJS, if you don't have it yet.

  2. Install DocPad globally: sudo npm install -fg docpad@6.11

Getting started

Once you have dependencies installed, you just need to:

  1. Clone the project: git clone git@github.com:liferay/alloyui.com.git

  2. Then go to the project's folder: cd alloyui.com

  3. And finally run: ant run

Now you can see the website running in http://localhost:9778/ :D


The basic structure of the project is given in the following way:

|-- out/
|-- lib/
|-- src/
|   |-- documents/
|   |-- files/
|   |-- layouts/
|-- build.xml
|-- docpad.coffee
|-- package.json


This is where the generated files are stored, once DocPad has been runned. However, this directory is unnecessary in versioning, so it is ignored (.gitignore).


Stores all the Ant resources.


Contains all the pages of this website. Documentation is written in Markdown and examples in JavaScript.


Has all the images, CSS and JS files.


Contains some templates that are used in the application.


Defines tasks for common steps.


Stores most settings of the application.


List NodeJS modules dependencies.


Just run ant deploy and then go to liferay.github.com/alloyui.com.