AWS Services review

For guided tutorials visit AWS WorkShops:

See the detailed AWS services docs in the following link:

See also AWS WorkShop Studio:

1. Compute services

1.1. AWS App Runner


AWS App Runner builds and deploys web applications automatically, load balances traffic with encryption, scales to meet your traffic needs, and allows for the configuration of how services are accessed and communicate with other AWS applications in a private Amazon VPC.


For getting started with AWS App Runner navigate to this URL and follow the wizard steps:


AWS App Runner: Deep Dive - AWS Online Tech Talks:

AWS App Runner Explained | Overview and Console Walkthrough:

AWS App Runner WorkShop:

Sample 1 AWS App Runnerhttps (youtube video)://

Sample 2 AWS App Runner (youtube playlist):

AWS re:Invent 2023 - Modernize your web applications and API services using AWS App Runner:

1.2. AWS Batch


Fully managed batch processing

AWS Batch is a managed batch processing service that enables developers, scientists, and engineers to easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS

AWS Batch removes the undifferentiated heavy lifting of configuring and managing the required infrastructure

It dynamically provisions the optimal quantity and type of compute resources (e.g., CPU or memory optimized compute resources) based on the volume and specific resource requirements of the batch jobs submitted

With AWS Batch, there is no need to install and manage batch computing software or server clusters. This allows you to focus on analyzing results and solving problems

AWS Batch plans, schedules, and executes batch computing workloads using Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, and AWS Fargate with an option to utilize spot instances

For getting started with AWS Batch navigate to this URL and follow the wizard steps:


Also you can getting start with AWS Batch following these links:

AWS Batch WorkShop:

Getting Started with AWS Batch on Amazon EC2:

Getting Started with AWS Batch on Fargate:

Getting started with AWS Batch on Amazon EKS:

1.3. EC2


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) offers the broadest and deepest compute platform, with over 750 instances and choice of the latest processor, storage, networking, operating system, and purchase model to help you best match the needs of your workload

We are the first major cloud provider that supports Intel, AMD, and Arm processors, the only cloud with on-demand EC2 Mac instances, and the only cloud with 400 Gbps Ethernet networking

We offer the best price performance for machine learning training, as well as the lowest cost per inference instances in the cloud

More SAP, high performance computing (HPC), ML, and Windows workloads run on AWS than any other cloud

For getting started with AWS EC2 create a new instance pressing the buttons highlighted in the following image


Also you can getting start with AWS EC2 following these links:

AWS EC2 WorkShop:

1.4. EC2 Image Builder



Image Builder provides a one-stop-shop to automate image management processes. Customers can generate an automated pipeline with an intuitive wizard in the AWS console to produce compliant Linux and Windows Server images for use on AWS and on-premises. When software updates become available, Image Builder automatically produces a new image and distributes it to stipulated AWS regions after running tests on it.

AWS EC2 Image Builder | Automate Image Creation in AWS:

AWS EC2 Image Builder WorkShop:

EC2 Image Builder (youtube video):

AWS EC2 Image Builderhttps (youtube video)://

1.5. Elastic Beanstalk



Elastic Beanstalk is a service for deploying and scaling web applications and services

Upload your code and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment—from capacity provisioning, load balancing, and auto scaling to application health monitoring

For getting started create a new Elastic Beanstalk application


See these videos tutorials:

Deploy a Web Application Using Elastic Beanstalk (New Version of UI) | AWS Tutorial for Beginners:

Master AWS Elastic Beanstalk in Just 15 Minutes: A Complete Expert Guide!:

1.6. Lambda


AWS Lambda Mastery: From Beginner to Expert in 15 Minutes!:

1.7. Lightsail

Launch and Manage Virtual Private Servers

1.8. AWS Outposts

Run AWS Services On Premises

1.9. Serverless Application Repository

Assemble, deploy, and share serverless applications within teams or publicly

1.10. AWS SimSpace Weaver

Build and run large-scale spatial simulations

2. Container services

2.1. Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

Fully-managed Docker container registry : Share and deploy container software, publicly or privately

2.2. Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Highly secure, reliable, and scalable way to run containers

2.3. Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKR)

The most trusted way to start, run, and scale Kubernetes

2.4. Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Fully managed Red Hat OpenShift service on AWS

3. Database services

3.1. Amazon DocumentDB

Fully-managed MongoDB-compatible database service

3.2. DynamoDB

Managed NoSQL Database

3.3. ElastiCache

In-Memory Cache

3.4. Amazon Keyspaces

Serverless Cassandra-compatible database

3.5. Amazon MemoryDB for Redis

Fully managed, Redis-compatible, in-memory database service

3.6. Neptune

Fast, reliable graph database built for the cloud

3.7. Amazon QLDB

Fully managed ledger database

3.8. RDS

Managed Relational Database Service

3.9. Amazon Timestream

Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, and serverless time series database for IoT and operational applications.

4. Developer tools

4.1. AWS AppConfig

Use feature flags, operational flags, and other runtime configuration to make changes quickly and safely on production

4.2. Application Composer

Visually design and build modern applications quickly

4.3. Cloud9

A Cloud IDE for Writing, Running, and Debugging Code

4.4. CloudShell

A browser-based shell with AWS CLI access from the AWS Management Console

4.5. CodeArtifact

Secure, scalable, and cost-effective artifact management for software development

4.6. CodeBuild

Build and Test Code

4.7. Amazon CodeCatalyst

Integrated DevOps Service

4.8. CodeCommit

Store Code in Private Git Repositories

4.9. CodeDeploy

Automate Code Deployments

4.10. CodePipeline

Release Software using Continuous Delivery

AWS Project - Build a Game with a Continuous Deployment Pipeline from GitHub to S3 | AWS Tutorial:

Building your first DevOps Blue/Green pipeline with Amazon ECS Workshop:

4.11. CodeStar

Quickly develop, build, and deploy applications

4.12. Amazon CodeWhisperer

Build applications faster with the ML-powered coding companion.

4.13. AWS FIS

Improve resiliency and performance with controlled experiments.

4.14. X-Ray

Analyze and Debug Your Applications

5. Storage services

5.1. AWS Backup

AWS Backup centrally manages and automates backups across AWS services

5.2. EFS

Managed File Storage for EC2

5.3. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Scalable, cost-effective application recovery to AWS

5.4. FSx

Fully managed third-party file systems optimized for a variety of workloads

5.5. S3

Scalable Storage in the Cloud

5.6. S3 Glacier

Archive Storage in the Cloud

5.7. Storage Gateway

Hybrid Storage Integration

6. Networking and content delivery services

6.1. API Gateway

Build, Deploy and Manage APIs

6.2. AWS App Mesh

Easily monitor and control microservices

6.3. AWS Cloud Map

Build a dynamic map of your cloud

6.4. CloudFront

Global Content Delivery Network

6.5. Direct Connect

Dedicated Network Connection to AWS

6.6. Global Accelerator

Improve your application’s availability and performance using the AWS Global Network

6.7. AWS Private 5G

Deploy and scale private mobile networks on-premises

6.8. Route 53

Scalable DNS and Domain Name Registration

6.9. Route 53 Application Recovery Controller

Monitor application recovery readiness and manage failovers

6.10. VPC

Isolated Cloud Resources

7. Security, Identity and Compliance services

7.1. AWS Artifact

Security compliance reports and agreements

7.2. AWS Audit Manager

Continuously assess controls for risk and compliance

7.3. Certificate Manager

Provision, Manage, and Deploy SSL/TLS Certificates

7.4. CloudHSM

Managed Hardware Security Modules in the Cloud

7.5. Cognito

Consumer Identity Management and AWS Credentials for Federated Identities

7.6. Detective

Investigate and Analyze potential security issues

7.7. Directory Service

Host and Manage Active Directory

7.8. AWS Firewall Manager

Central management of firewall rules

7.9. GuardDuty

Intelligent Threat Detection to Protect Your AWS Accounts and Workloads

7.10. IAM

Manage access to AWS resources

7.11. IAM Identity Center

Manage workforce user access to multiple AWS accounts and cloud applications

7.12. Amazon Inspector

Continual vulnerability management at scale

7.13. Key Management Service

Securely Generate and Manage AWS Encryption Keys

7.14. Amazon Macie

Amazon Macie classifies and secures your business-critical content.

7.15. AWS Payment Cryptography

On-demand payment HSM functionality for card transactions and key management

7.16. AWS Private Certificate Authority

Managed private certificate authority service

7.17. Resource Access Manager

Share AWS resources with other accounts or AWS Organizations

7.18. Secrets Manager

Easily rotate, manage, and retrieve secrets throughout their lifecycle

7.19. Security Hub

AWS Security Hub is AWS’s security and compliance center

7.20. Security Lake

Automatically centralize all your security data with a few clicks

7.21. AWS Signer

Ensuring trust and integrity of your code

7.22. Amazon Verified Permissions

Manage, analyze and enforce permissions across your applications

7.23. WAF & Shield

Protects Against DDoS Attacks and Malicious Web Traffic

8. Analytics

8.1. Athena

Serverless interactive analytics service

8.2. AWS Clean Romms

Easily and security collaborate on collective datasets without sharing or revealing underlying raw data

8.3. CloudSearch

Managed Search Service

8.4. AWS Data Exchange

Easily find, subscribe to, and use third-party data

8.5. Amazon Data Firehose

Real-time streaming delivery for any data, at any scale, at low-cost

8.6. Data Pipeline

Orchestration for Data-Driven Workflows

8.7. Amazon DataZone

Unlock data across organizational boundaries with built-in governance

8.8. EMR

Managed Hadoop Framework

8.9. AWS Entity Resolution

Easy-to-configure, machine learning powered entity resolution service

8.10. Amazon FinSpace

Store, catalog, prepare, and analyze financial industry data

8.11. AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service

8.12. AWS Glue DataBrew

Visual data preparation tool to clean and normalize data for analytics and machine learning

8.13. Kinesis

Work with Real-Time Streaming Data

8.14. AWS Lake Formation

AWS Lake Formation makes it easy to set up a secure data lake

8.15. Managed Apache Flink

Fully managed, highly available, and secure service for Apache Flink

8.16. MSK

Fully managed, highly available, and secure service for Apache Flink

8.17. Amazon OpenSearch Service

Run open-source OpenSearch or Elasticsearch using Managed Clusters or Serverless deployments

8.18. QuickSight

Fast, easy to use business analytics

8.19. Amazon Redshift

Fast, Simple, Cost-Effective Data Warehousing

9. Application Integration

9.1. Amazon AppFlow

Amazon AppFlow integrates apps and automates data flows without code

9.2. AWS B2B Data Interchange

Build and run EDI-based workflows at cloud scale