AngularJS: a brief introduction

1. Introduction

AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web applications

It was developed by Google and first released in 2010

AngularJS allows developers to use HTML as a template language and extend HTML's syntax to express application components clearly and succinctly

It simplifies the development and testing of single-page applications (SPAs) by providing a client-side MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, data binding, and dependency injection


Key Features of AngularJS

1. Data Binding: AngularJS provides two-way data binding, which means any changes in the model are reflected in the view and vice versa

This makes synchronization between the model and the view automatic and seamless

2. Dependency Injection: AngularJS has a built-in dependency injection mechanism that makes it easy to manage dependencies and implement modular code

It allows you to inject services like $http to make HTTP requests or custom services that you define

3. Directives: Directives are special tokens in the markup that tell the library to do something to a DOM element (e.g., ng-model, ng-bind, ng-repeat)

4. Custom directives can also be created to encapsulate and simplify DOM manipulation

5. Controllers: Controllers are JavaScript functions that are used to build the business logic of the application

They control the data that flows between the model and the view

6. Services: AngularJS comes with several built-in services like $http to make HTTP requests, $route for routing, and $timeout for delaying code execution. You can also create custom services

7. Filters: Filters format the value of an expression for display to the user. For example, the currency filter formats a number as a currency string

8. Routing: The $routeProvider service allows you to create different routes for your application, making it easy to navigate between different views

9. Templates: AngularJS uses plain HTML as its template language. The templates contain AngularJS-specific elements and attributes, which AngularJS processes and then renders

10. Modules: Modules are containers for different parts of your application (controllers, services, filters, directives, etc.). They help in keeping the code organized

2. How to install AngularJS

The latest version of AngularJS is 1.8.3

If you are using Angular Framework higher versions you should first uninstall it from your computer

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli


Now we install the AngularJS in our laptop. Run this command

npm install -g angular@1.8.2



3. Basic Example

Initialize the project directory

mkdir angularjs-app
cd sample2_basic

We open VSCode with this command

code .

Then we initialize/create the package.json file ruuning this command

npm init -y


This is the resulting project structure


We install angular with this command

npm install angular


Folder and File structure

├── index.html
├── app/
│   ├── app.module.js
│   ├── app.controller.js
│   └── app.service.js
└── node_modules/
    └── angular/

index.html: The main HTML file that loads the AngularJS application

app/: This directory contains all the JavaScript files for your AngularJS application

app.module.js: Defines the main AngularJS module

app.controller.js: Defines a controller for the application

app.service.js: (Optional) Defines a service for the application

node_modules/: This directory contains AngularJS and other node packages installed via npm


Basic application source code


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>AngularJS App</title>
  <script src="node_modules/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="app/app.module.js"></script>
  <script src="app/app.controller.js"></script>
  <div ng-controller="MainController as mainCtrl">
    <h1>{{ mainCtrl.message }}</h1>


// Define the main module
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);


// Define a controller
app.controller('MainController', function() {
  this.message = 'Hello, AngularJS!';

app/app.service.js (Optional)

If you want to add a service, you can include the following:

// Define a custom service
app.service('MyService', function() {
  this.greet = function(name) {
    return 'Hello, ' + name + '!';

// Use the service in the controller
app.controller('MainController', function(MyService) {
  this.message = MyService.greet('AngularJS');

How to run the application



Advantages of AngularJS

Declarative Code: AngularJS lets you declare what you want to do without worrying about the underlying implementation

Modular Development: Its modular architecture allows you to create reusable components

Community and Support: As a Google-developed framework, AngularJS has strong community support and extensive documentation


Performance: AngularJS can be slower for applications with a large amount of data and complex bindings.

Learning Curve: AngularJS has a steep learning curve for beginners due to its complexity and wide array of features.

Legacy: AngularJS is now considered a legacy framework, with Angular (also known as Angular 2+) being the recommended version for new projects.


AngularJS revolutionized web development by introducing a comprehensive framework for building dynamic single-page applications

Although its support has ended, it laid the foundation for modern front-end frameworks and continues to be a valuable tool for learning the concepts

of client-side MVC, data binding, and dependency injection

For new projects, it is recommended to use the modern Angular framework, which offers improved performance, scalability, and support