Blazor in .NET 8: Sample-11

Let's focus on building a Blazor application with protected routes (requiring authentication) and explore ways to implement user authorization.

Example: App With Protected Dashboard

Features Demonstrated:

Authentication State: Managing and tracking if a user is logged in

Authorization: Controlling access to specific routes/components based on user state

Cascading Authentication State: Making authentication data available to components


Basic understanding of authentication concepts. For this example, we'll simulate authentication state; integrating a real authentication system (e.g., IdentityServer) is a larger topic


Project: Create a new Blazor Server project (or reuse an existing one). You can name it "ProtectedRoutes"


AuthenticationStateProvider.cs (Inside a Services folder)

C# namespace ProtectedRoutes.Services;

// Simulating an Auth provider public class CustomAuthenticationStateProvider : AuthenticationStateProvider { private bool _isAuthenticated = false;

public override Task<AuthenticationState> GetAuthenticationStateAsync()
    var identity = _isAuthenticated ? new ClaimsIdentity("testUser") : new ClaimsIdentity();
    var user = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity); 
    return Task.FromResult(new AuthenticationState(user)); 

public void SetAuthenticationState(bool loggedIn)
    _isAuthenticated = loggedIn;

} Usa el código con precaución.


AuthorizedRouteView.razor (Shared folder)

Razor CSHTML @inherits RouteView

You are not authorized to view this page.

Login Usa el código con precaución.

Login.razor (Pages folder)

Razor CSHTML @page "/login" @inject CustomAuthenticationStateProvider AuthProvider


<button @onclick="SimulateLogin" class="btn btn-primary">Login

@code { private void SimulateLogin() { AuthProvider.SetAuthenticationState(true); } } Usa el código con precaución.

Dashboard.razor (Pages folder)

Razor CSHTML @page "/dashboard" @attribute [Authorize]

Secure Dashboard

Welcome to the protected area!

Usa el código con precaución. In your App.razor:


Sorry, there's nothing at this address.

@code { protected override void OnInitialized() { builder.Services.AddScoped<AuthenticationStateProvider, CustomAuthenticationStateProvider>(); } }

Usa el código con precaución

Let's enhance this! Would you like to explore the following?

Integrating with a real authentication provider

Creating finer-grained authorization using roles

Protecting specific components instead of just entire routes