
Telegram bot that encrypts and decode a message using Cesar Encryption.

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Bot

The bot must implement the functionalities described below. A help command describing what the bot does and what commands it has is mandatory. command that describes what the bot does and what commands it has. In addition, at each point must be validation of the data entered by the user. Each command should display or facilitate the understanding of the format or the way the user enters the data.

  • Perform a function that encrypts a message using Cesar Encryption. Taking into account the offset entered by the user, and that the message may contain uppercase, lowercase, null and case, numbers and punctuation.

  • Perform decryption of a message encoded with C ́esar Encryption. For this option the user does not enter the number of shifted letters, and the message meets the specifications of the previous item. specifications of the previous item.


You must have python installed, and type the following command.

  $ pip install -r requirements.txt


To deploy the project, run the main file, this can be done by executing the following command.

  python Cipher_bot.py

Tech Stack

Bot: Python


Below is what the Bot looks like in telegram, and an example of a cipher and a decryption. a decryption.


And for decoding.



the creation of a telegram Bot, we acquired skills for the creation of a Bot, a skill that is very important due to the fact that chatbots are becoming more and more popular. a Bot, a skill that is very important due to the fact that chatbots are becoming more and more popular as a new communication tool in all online platforms. popular as a new communication tool in all online platforms. Its automation and integration with instant messaging channels is a valuable asset to the company. The integration and automation capabilities with instant messaging channels are an added value for any instant messaging or ecommerce application. We also acquired the skills to use the cesar cipher with the Bot, which as explained in the justification of the explained in the research justification, the approximation of encryption techniques is a very important skill for the future of the world. important skill for the future of the world where saving and protecting data is a priority. and protect data is a priority, therefore acquiring knowledge of the use of encryption methods is a great tool to get into the tool to get into the areas of cryptography and computer security.


For support, email licerol@uninorte.edu.co
