
HireMeNow is a web application designed to connect job seekers with employers. The app allows job seekers to search and apply for job openings posted by various employers. Employers can also post job openings and review applications from job seekers.

HireMeNow is built using the React frontend framework and Node.js on the backend. The frontend provides a user-friendly interface for job seekers to search and apply for jobs. Users can create accounts, build resumes, and apply for jobs all within the app.

The backend is responsible for handling user authentication, managing job postings, and storing user data. Employers can create accounts, post job openings, and review job applications from potential employees. The backend also provides the necessary APIs for the frontend to interact with the data.

HireMeNow aims to simplify the job search process by providing a centralized platform for job seekers and employers. The app provides job seekers with an easy-to-use platform to search and apply for jobs, while employers can efficiently manage job postings and review applicants. With a simple and intuitive user interface, HireMeNow is a perfect choice for anyone looking for a job or looking to hire employees.


  • Advanced search: Job seekers can use the app's advanced search functionality to find job openings that match their specific criteria, such as location, salary, and job type.
  • Resume builder: The app includes a resume builder that allows job seekers to create a professional-looking resume that can be easily submitted to potential employers.
  • Applicant tracking: Employers can track and manage job applications through the app's applicant tracking system, which provides an organized view of all applications and allows employers to quickly sort through and respond to applicants.


To install the project you must have vite js installed, if you have it installed run the following command to install all the modules

  npm install

and then for running type:

  npm run start


Now you will see screenshots of the application, from the home page, job search, login, applications, etc.

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

Tech Stack

Client: React, Vite, Bootstrap

Server: Node, Express, MongoDB



For support, email licerol@uninorte.edu.co