Scrapper for OLX Brazil
PyOLXBrazil is a simple python scrapper for ads information from OLX Brazil. It searches for an item and extracts all the available results sorted by relevance, price or date. If a specific ad information is necessary, it can also be extracted through its URL.
Download using pip via pypi.
pip install pyolxbrazil
Let's do a simple search for raspberry in the brazilian state of Ceará (CE):
from pyolxbrazil import OLXBrazil
results = OLXBrazil(search='raspberry', state='ce')
The output will be a list with the first page results for raspberry:
[{'Name': 'Raspberry pi 3 + fonte',
'ID': '774669052',
'Image': '',
'Price': '280',
'Date': '04/08 20:09',
'City': 'Fortaleza',
'Neighborhood': 'José Bonifácio',
'State': 'Ceará',
'Link': ''},
{'Name': 'Fliperama Portatil Arcade Óptico 20 Mil Jogos 64gb - 68x24',
'ID': '747325743',
'Image': '',
'Price': '1190',
'Date': '20/05 10:45',
'City': 'Fortaleza',
'Neighborhood': 'Centro',
'State': 'Ceará',
'Link': ''},
{'Name': 'Vendo controles novos USB',
'ID': '747263722',
'Image': '',
'Price': '40',
'Date': '20/05 06:00',
'City': 'Fortaleza',
'Neighborhood': 'Maraponga',
'State': 'Ceará',
'Link': ''}]
If we want to scrape all the pages:
from pyolxbrazil import OLXBrazil
results = OLXBrazil(search='ipad 3', state='ce')
print('Total results: ' + str(len(results.extract(all_pages=True))))
Total results: 167
[{'Name': 'IPad 3',
'ID': '773392297',
'Image': '',
'Price': '900',
'Date': '1/08 12:32',
'City': 'Fortaleza',
'Neighborhood': 'Engenheiro Luciano Cavalcante',
'State': 'Ceará',
'Link': ''},
We can also specify the number of pages to scrape (limit) and sort the results by relevance, price (ascending) or date (newest):
from pyolxbrazil import OLXBrazil
results = OLXBrazil(search='ipad 3', state='ce')
# it'll scrape just 2 pages, sorted by price
my_extraction = results.extract(filter_by='price', all_pages=False, limit=2)
print('Total results: ' + str(len(my_extraction)))
Total results: 89
[{'Name': 'Cabo De áudio P2 p/ 2 RCA 1.5M',
'ID': '632449877',
'Image': '',
'Price': '10',
'Date': '2/07 12:54',
'City': 'Fortaleza',
'Neighborhood': 'Bom Jardim',
'State': 'Ceará',
'Link': ''},
{'Name': 'Cabo Carregador iPhone 5 6 7 8 X Lightning 1M Apple',
'ID': '651183643',
'Image': '',
'Price': '15',
'Date': '18/07 00:03',
'City': 'Fortaleza',
'Neighborhood': 'Bom Jardim',
'State': 'Ceará',
'Link': ''},
If you want to scrape basic information about a specific ad:
from pyolxbrazil import OLXBrazil
url = ''
results = OLXBrazil.unique_extract(url)
{'Name': 'Armário',
'ID': 774482659,
'Image': '',
'Price': '449',
'Description': 'Armário Novo 5 portas e 1 gaveta da Loja PRONTA ENTREGA.<br><br>WhatsApp 9 XXXX-XXXX Luan',
'Datetime (UTC)': '2020-08-04T16:08:09.000Z',
'Author': 'luan Estofados',
'Phone': '859XXXXXX',
'Type': 'Para a sua casa',
'Category': 'Móveis',
'Location': {'address': None,
'neighbourhood': 'Siqueira',
'neighbourhoodId': 10731,
'municipality': 'Fortaleza',
'municipalityId': 3327,
'zipcode': '60732330',
'mapLati': 0,
'mapLong': 0,
'uf': 'CE',
'ddd': '85',
'zoneId': 2672,
'zone': 'fortaleza',
'region': 'Fortaleza e região, CE'}}
Otherwise, to get all ad information:
from pyolxbrazil import OLXBrazil
url = ''
results = OLXBrazil.unique_extract(url, complete=True)
{'listId': 774482659,
'body': 'Armário Novo 5 portas e 1 gaveta da Loja PRONTA ENTREGA.<br><br>WhatsApp 9 XXXX-XXXX Luan',
'subject': 'Armário',
'priceLabel': 'Preço',
'priceValue': 'R$ 449',
'oldPrice': None,
'professionalAd': True,
'category': 5020,
'parentCategoryName': 'Para a sua casa',
'categoryName': 'Móveis',
'searchCategoryLevelZero': 5000,
'searchCategoryLevelOne': 5020,
'searchCategoryLevelTwo': 0,
'origListTime': 1596557289,
'adReply': '0',
'friendlyUrl': '',
'user': {'userId': 83129463, 'userUid': 81412291, 'name': 'luan Estofados'},
'phone': {'phone': '859XXXXXX',
'phoneHidden': False,
'phoneVerified': True},
'images': [{'original': '',
'originalAlt': 'Armário',
'thumbnail': ''},
{'original': '',
'originalAlt': 'Armário - Foto 2',
'thumbnail': ''}],
'videos': [],
'location': {'address': None,
'neighbourhood': 'Siqueira',
'neighbourhoodId': 10731,
'municipality': 'Fortaleza',
'municipalityId': 3327,
'zipcode': '60732330',
'mapLati': 0,
'mapLong': 0,
'uf': 'CE',
'ddd': '85',
'zoneId': 2672,
'zone': 'fortaleza',
'region': 'Fortaleza e região, CE'},
'properties': [{'name': 'category',
'label': 'Categoria',
'value': 'Móveis',
'values': None,
'url': ''},
{'name': 'furniture_type',
'label': 'Tipo',
'value': 'Sofás e poltronas',
'values': None,
'url': ''}],
'pubSpecificData': [{'context': 'width=300,height=250',
'data': [{'key': 'appnexus_placement_id', 'value': '11647384'},
{'key': 'aol_placement_id', 'value': '4349247,4349251'},
{'key': 'criteo_zone_id', 'value': '802888'}]},
{'context': 'width=*,height=*',
'data': [{'key': 'afsh_channel_id', 'value': 'shopping_furniture_vi'},
{'key': 'afsh_pub_id', 'value': 'partner-vert-pla-olx-pdp'}]}],
'trackingSpecificData': [{'key': 'region', 'value': 'Fortaleza e região'}],
'searchboxes': [{'label': 'Agro e indústria',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Animais de estimação',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Artigos infantis',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Autos e peças',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Comércio e escritório',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Eletrônicos e celulares',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Esportes e lazer',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Imóveis',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Moda e beleza',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Música e hobbies',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Para a sua casa',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Serviços',
'link': ''},
{'label': 'Vagas de emprego',
'link': ''}],
'breadcrumbUrls': [{'label': 'Ceará', 'url': ''},
{'label': 'Fortaleza e região',
'url': ''},
{'label': 'Móveis',
'url': ''},
{'label': 'Fortaleza',
'url': ''}],
'tags': None,
'carSpecificData': None,
'description': 'Armário Novo 5 portas e 1 gaveta da Loja PRONTA ENTREGA.<br><br>WhatsApp 9 8753-0298 Luan',
'price': 'R$ 449',
'listTime': '2020-08-04T16:08:09.000Z',
'locationProperties': [{'label': 'CEP', 'value': '60732330'},
{'label': 'Município', 'value': 'Fortaleza'},
{'label': 'Bairro', 'value': 'Siqueira'}],
'securityTips': ['Não faça pagamentos antes de verificar o que está sendo anunciado.',
'Fique atento com excessos de facilidades e preços abaixo do mercado.',
'Se está desapegando, limpe bem não só as mãos, como o produto e deixe-o também bem embrulhado.'],
'slotsId': ['adBottomLocation'],
'denounceLink': '',
'nativeVas': [],
'isFeatured': False}
OLXBrazil is class used to scrape ad data from
search : str
searched item on OLX
state : str
initials of the brazilian state where the item is located.
For example, state='ce' (for Ceará)
or state='rj' (for Rio de Janeiro)
all states = {ac, al, ap, am, ba, ce, df, es, go,
ma, mt, ms, mg, pa, pb, pr, pe, pi,
rj, rn, rs, ro, rr, sc, sp, se, to}
extract(filter_by='relevance', all_pages=False, limit=None):
Return a list containing all items available.
filter_by (str):
relevance (Default): most relevant items
price: cheapest price for the items
new: recently added items on the website
all_pages (bool):
False (Default): return the first page searched
or until the "limit" (parameter) page
True: return all the pages searched
limit (int or None):
Page limit searched.
If "all_pages" is True, then "limit" should be None (Default).
If "all_pages" is False, then "limit" can be None or int.
unique_extract(url, complete=False):
Return a dictionary containing the ad information.
url (str):
item URL
complete (bool):
False (Default): relevant ad information
True: complete ad information
Contact us if there are any problems or suggestions for improvement.