
Schedule a time/date to join a Zoom meeting on your pc automatically, even when you're not there!

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

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                                                     $$ |            Website ~ https://gardunos.tech             

WakeUpZoom! is a PowerShell script that facilitates the task of having to keep up with various Zoom links and class times.

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What makes WakeUpZoom! POG?

  • Ability to easily delete scheduled zoom calls
  • .exe file can be found in the release files (great for user's unfamiliar with Powershell)
  • Desktop shortcut is created so you DON'T have to keep up with URL's.
  • As long as you're logged in, Zoom meetings will deploy automatically as scheduled.
  • Schedule as many Zoom meetings as you want!
  • Stayed up late & only need to use it once? You can specify the frequency (Once/Weekly)
  • PowerShell can be closed as soon as classes have been added!
  • Program only needs to be ran ONCE (if scheduling for weekly meetings)

How to run WakeUpZoom!

Method 1 (Easiest & Fastest) :

  1. One-Click Download (HERE)
  2. Right click on the file WakeUpZoom.exe & choose Run as Administrator
  • Your computer might detect this as a virus because it's a .exe file, but just click on "Run Anyways".

Method 2 :

  1. Download the most recent release here
  2. After you've downloaded the file, right click on the file named WakeUpZoom.ps1 and choose Run with PowerShell

Method 3 :

  1. Open PowerShell as admin
  2. Run this command git clone https://github.com/luisegarduno/WakeUpZoom.git ; cd WakeUpZoom; .\WakeUpZoom.ps1