This is a movie and series application, where you can see the top rated movies, random trailer and select genre to see the list of series.
- data: It contains all the data accessing and manipulating components.
- di: Dependency providing classes using Koin.
- domain: Contains all use cases for your application.
- presentation: View classes along with their corresponding ViewModel.
core: contains features and structure that will be shared between feature packs
home: we have our first feature, containing movie screen, series screen and details screen
The project is just starting, and we don't have many problems for now. But thinking about the future having modules for features will help a lot, having a performance at build time, separate features and building module buildSrc to manage dependencies.
Have a well-defined design system, with color palettes, typrography and components
Create a framework for unit tests and UI tests with roboletric.
Create and organize CI/CD, IC running project and tests on project development and CD with application distribution process