<img src=“https://travis-ci.org/kredei/streak_client.png” /> <img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/kredei/streak_client.png” />
This client wraps the REST API for Streak, a Gmail CRM tool provided by the folks at Rewardly.
Set it up:
require 'streak_client' StreakClient.api_key = YOUR_API_KEY
Create resources:
@pipeline = StreakClient::Pipeline.create(name: "Test", description: "T") @box = StreakClient::Box.create(@pipeline.pipelineKey, {name: "Test Box"})
Load existing resources:
@pipelines = StreakClient::Pipeline.all @box = StreakClient::Box.find(@box.boxKey) @boxes_in_a_pipeline = pipelines.first.boxes
Edit resources:
@box.name = "New Name" @box.save!
Delete resources:
The following resources are not yet supported: fields, reminders, files, search.
Feel free to submit pull requests via Github. Include tests please.
This client was written by Kristof for the fine folks at TurningArt. It is released under the MIT license (see LICENSE).