
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Collectd Module for CvmFS



<Plugin "python">

  Import "collectdcvmfs"

  <Module "collectdcvmfs">
    Repo "alice.cern.ch" "atlas.cern.ch"
    Repo "ams.cern.ch"

    MountTime True
    Memory True

    Attribute ndownload nioerr
    Attribute usedfd

    Interval "300"

  • Repo: cvmfs repository to monitor.
  • MountTime: boolean value to specify whether mount time should be reported or not.
  • Memory: boolean value to specify whether the memory footprint should be reported or not.
  • Attribute: attribute to monitor on the given repositories. You can get the list from of valid attributes from the type db in resources/collectdcvmfs.db.
  • Interval: interval in seconds to probe the CVMFS repositories.


The metrics are published in the following structure:

Plugin: cvmfs
PluginInstance: <repo>
Type: {<Attribute>|MountTime|Memory}

# Only with Memory:
TypeInstance: [rss|vms]


lxplus123.cern.ch/cvmfs-lhcb.cern.ch/mounttime values=[0.000999927520751953]
lxplus123.cern.ch/cvmfs-lhcb.cern.ch/nioerr values=[0]
lxplus123.cern.ch/cvmfs-lhcb.cern.ch/memory-rss values=[31760384]