pull images
docker-compose pull
generate keys
$ mkdir -p keys && ./create_keys.sh
edit example configuration
cp ./tmate.conf{.example,}
preserve characterset and lengths of the secret key (except INTERNAL_API_AUTH_TOKEN)
run migrations
$ docker-compose up -d postgres $ docker-compose run master ./bin/tmate console # run comand twice Mix.Task.rerun("ecto.migrate", ["-r", Tmate.Repo, "--migrations-path", "./lib/tmate-0.1.1/priv/repo/migrations"]) Mix.Task.rerun("ecto.migrate", ["-r", Tmate.Repo, "--migrations-path", "./lib/tmate-0.1.1/priv/repo/migrations"]) # to exit type Ctrl+c followed by `a`
launch services
$ docker-compose up -d $ docker-compose logs -f
configure tmate on the client: in your
add:set -g tmate-server-host <external fqdn> set -g tmate-server-port 22 set -g tmate-server-rsa-fingerprint "<finerprint of generated RSA key>" set -g tmate-server-ed25519-fingerprint "<finerprint of generated ED25519 key>"
you can get fingerprints like:
$ ssh-keygen -l -E sha256 -f keys/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub