
A bank account simulator build in Java

Primary LanguageJava


Status: Developing ⚠️

WARNING: My code is in portuguese, soon I will change to english

A bank account simulator built in Java to understand OOP


I built this project in my OOP classes in college as my final project I'm developing yet so... some functionalities will be added soon First, let's start with the classes:

  • Conta (account)
  • Cliente (client)
  • Endereço (address)
  • Gerente (manneger)
  • Funcionário (employee)

Every class have at least 2 constructors defined, and their setters and getters for every method.


Well, in the main class is where the magic happens. The user will choose how many accounts he/she want create, and we store all accounts in an ArrayList. After the user choose the number of accounts it's time to insert some information like:

  • name
  • Where this person lives (Street)
  • Who is the Mennager (but this is optional, the program asks if you want say that or not)

After that, we call a function to print everything that users write on the screen and we ask in wich account wants do some operation, like deposit, withdraw, transfer, show infomations again and is in a loop until the user say that wants exit. To prevente errors like user set 3 accounts and say wants deposit some money in the 3rd account, of course this number doesn't exist, arrays goes from 0 to some number, in this case is 2. So to prevent that when is asked in which account deposit, is subtracted 1 for the number inserted.. a very simple verification. By default the limit is defined as $ 1,000 and amount is defined as $ 0,00.

I know, is too, but i feel proud of my work and I hope soon I can improve it!! 😁