
Payments plugin for Strapi

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Strapi plugin Payments

Enable payments in your Strapi application.

Integrate with any other plugin or custom controller and create orders using a service-oriented approach.


  • Use Stripe and Paypal to process payments.
  • Use available services to find, create and confirm orders.
  • Configure everything from the settings dashboard.


  • Stripe account
    • Secret key
  • Paypal merchant app
    • Client ID
    • Client secret


In the root of your strapi application, run the following command:

npm i strapi-plugin-payments


Once installed, go to settings, then Payments Plugin and under Stripe, set the Stripe private key and the success URL and cancel url.

Similarly, in order to accept payments with Paypal, open the Paypal tab, set the Brand Name, the PayPal client ID, the PayPal client secret and the return URL and cancel url.


The plugin allows to create, find and confirm orders through a few service APIs.

Each service may return an error if something goes wrong or the plugin is not configured properly.

The returned errors are objects with the following structure:

  error: boolean;
  status: string;
  msg: string;

The status and msg can be used to return an HTTP response, for instance, this could be your custom controller:

if (result.error) {
  return ctx[result.status](result.msg)


For creating orders, call the asynchronous service create, which receives the following parameters:

Name Type Description
user User from User & Permissions plugin
payment_method string "credit_card" or "paypal"
payload JSON This data will be available for you when confirming and finding orders.
items Array of objects Each object in the array must have the propierties: label (string) price (number) and quantity (number).


const params = {
  user: ctx.state.user,
  payment_method: "credit_card",
  payload: {courses_ids: [4]},
  items: [
      label: "Python Essentials",
      price: 15.99,
      quantity: 1

let result

try {
  result = await strapi.service("plugin::payments.orders").create(params)
  if (result.error) {
    return ctx[result.status](result.msg)
} catch(err) {
  return ctx.internalServerError("Something went wrong")

If the order was created successfully, this service returns an object with a few properties that can be used to redirect the user to checkout.

When paying with credit card, the returned object will have the following properties:

Name Type
id string

id is the order's checkout session, which can be used in the frontend to redirect the user to the checkout page, like the following snippet.

Notice that stripe.redirectToCheckout is a function that comes from the package @stripe/stripejs for redirecting the user to Stripe's checkout page.

const url = `${STRAPI}/api/orders`

const options = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${user.token}`,
    "Content-type": "application/json"
  body: JSON.stringify({
    courses: [6,43], // these are courses IDs
    method: "credit_card"

const res = await fetch(url, options)
const data = await res.json()

const { id } = data

  sessionId: id

When paying with Paypal, the returned object will have the following properties:

Name Type
id string
links Array

id is the order's ID generated by paypal, and links is an array of links that we can use to redirect the user to Paypal's checkout page.

For instance, check the following code snippet that runs in the frontend.

const url = `${STRAPI}/api/orders`

// Paying with paypal.
const options = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${user.token}`,
    "Content-type": "application/json"
  body: JSON.stringify({
    courses: [6,43], // these are courses IDs
    method: "paypal"

const res = await fetch(url, options)
const data = await res.json()

const { links } = data
const link = links.find(l => l.rel === "approve")

// Redirect to checkout.
document.location = link.href


This asynchronous service sends a request to either Paypal or Stripe to confirm a payment.

It receives the following parameters:

Name Type Description
user User from User & Permissions plugin
checkout_session string the token in the success url page

When confirming a payment, the user in the parameter must be the same as the user which the order is related to.

If the payment is confirmed, this service returns the order object with a field confirmed set to true.

Otherwise, the service returns an error object with the same properties as the create service.

Order object structure:

Property Type
id string
amount number
createdAt Date
user Object with id as the only property
confirmed boolean
checkout_session string
payment_method "credit_card" or "paypal"
payload JSON
items JSON
response JSON representing additional information


Finding the orders of a user is done through the find service.

It receives a user and returns an array containing all the orders of the user.

For instance, this could be your custom controller to return the user's orders.

const { user } = ctx.state

const orders = await strapi.service("plugin::payments.orders").find(user)

ctx.body = {


This service is for searching a specific order by checkout session, taking two parameters: the user and the order's checkout session.

See the following example of a custom controller invoking this service.

const { user } = ctx.state
const { id } = ctx.params;

const order = await strapi.service("plugin::payments.orders").findOne(user)

ctx.body = {

In case the order is not found, the return value will be null.

The user provided as a parameter must be equal to the user which the order belongs to. Otherwise, a forbidden error is returned.