
Harvest Time Tracking API wrapper written in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


Harvest Time Tracking API Wrapper written in Elixir.

Only supports read operations at this time.


Add Harvest to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:harvest, "~> 0.1"}]

and run $ mix deps.get.


In config/config.exs, add your Harvest configurations like this

config :harvest,
  company: "your_company",
  email: "user@your_company.com",
  password: "user_password",
  has_ssl: true

Usage examples

iex(1)> Harvest.get_entries
iex(1)> Harvest.get_entries([user: "174807"])
iex(1)> Harvest.get_entries([user: "174807", year: "2015", day: "272"])
iex(1)> Harvest.get_entry([day_entry_id: "379234955"])
iex(1)> Harvest.get_entry([user: "174807", day_entry_id: "379234955"])

Refer to Harvest API document for more details.