
Install EMC Network in servers and clients

MIT LicenseMIT


Install EMC's Networker in servers and clients.

This role install Network in servers and clients. Use networker_mode to select which installation to use. Currently, an independent storage node is not supported and is installed together with the server.

Packages are expected to be in an archive (tar or zip) as downloaded from EMC's site. The URL to this archive needs to be specify in networker_package_url, there is no default. Note that you might need to specify Networker's version in networker_version if different from the default (

This role currently does not initialize the console server. You need to manually run it and start the console service:

service gst start

The main networker service can be prevented from starting on first install by setting networker_start_on_first_install: no. This can prove useful when doing Networker migrations to a new host.

Installation is based on the official documentation.


See meta/main.yml.

Role Variables

See defaults/main.yml for all options.



Example Playbook


- hosts: server
    - {role: networker, mode: server}

- hosts: clients
    - {role: networker, mode: client}


  • Support upgrades
  • Automatically configure console server and enable gst service
  • Test on rhel 7
  • Support storage nodes
  • Add servers files
  • Run /opt/lgtonmc/bin/nmc_config after installation


Released under the MIT license.

Author Information

Luis Gracia while at The Rockefeller University: