Python Download Script

Script build to download data from a flaky API.


This is a take-home interview for HomeVision that focuses primarily on writing clean code that accomplishes a very practical task.

Given a simple pagianted API hosted at that returns a list of houses along with some metadata. The task is to write a script that accomplishes the following tasks:

  1. Requests the first 10 pages of results from the API
  2. Parses the JSON returned by the API
  3. Downloads the photo for each house and saves it in a file with the format: id-[NNN]-[address].[ext]

There are a few gotchas to watch out for:

  1. This is a flaky API! That means that it will likely fail with a non-200 response code. The code must handle these errors correctly so that all photos are downloaded
  2. Downloading photos is slow so please think a bit about how you would optimize your downloads, making use of concurrency


With Docker Compose

On the project root

docker-compose up

Without Docker

You'll need to create and activate a new python3.6 virtual enviroment and configure the respective Mongo database connection on the config.yml file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

After execution, the data will be parsed in the database and the photos downloaded in a directory in the project root.
