TypeScript Monorepo for Automatic Suno Music and Video Generation and Upload

This project is a TypeScript monorepo containing two applications:

  1. Unofficial Suno API: An AI for generating music. This is a submodule of a fork of the unofficial Suno API repository.
  2. NestJS Application: Consumes the Suno API to generate songs and videos with the help of the OpenAI API and automatically uploads these videos to a YouTube channel and playlist periodically using cron and Bull.



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <REPOSITORY_URL>
  2. Install dependencies using pnpm:

    pnpm install


  1. YouTube API:

    • Configure credentials for the YouTube API in Google Cloud.
    • Download the credentials.json file and copy it to /apps/orchestrator.
  2. Token Generation:

    • Run the following script to generate the token.json file:

      node apps/orchestrator/index.js
    • Remember that the redirect_uri you need to set in the credentials.json file is urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob to generate the token, which the index.js script will then request.


  1. Start the application using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up
  2. Periodically update the Suno cookie, as it expires every 7 days.

Project Structure

  • /apps
    • /api-suno: Unofficial Suno API (submodule).
    • /orchestrator: NestJS application that consumes the Suno API, generates content, and uploads it to YouTube.


This project uses docker-compose to start the applications. Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.

Google Cloud Credentials

To configure Google Cloud credentials:

  1. Create a project in Google Cloud and enable the YouTube API.
  2. Configure the OAuth consent screen.
  3. Create OAuth 2.0 credentials and download the credentials.json file.
  4. Copy credentials.json to /apps/orchestrator.
  5. Run the script node apps/orchestrator/index.js to generate the token.json file.


  • Generate Token:

    node apps/orchestrator/index.js

Additional Notes

  • Ensure you update the Suno cookie periodically, as it expires every 7 days.
  • The project uses cron and Bull for periodic task execution.