
The web interface for the Aragon DAO.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Aragon DAO aragon-logo

The web app for the Aragon DAO.


How to run locally

  1. Git clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/BlossomLabs/aragon-dao.git
  1. Go to directory.
cd aragon-dao/
  1. Install dependencies.
  1. Set the environment variables.
  2. Run the development server.
yarn start

Environment variables

Create a .env file with environment variables. You can use the .env.example file as a reference.

Below you can find a list of all the required variables:

Env variable Description
CHAIN_ID The ID of the chain where the DAO is located on.
DAO_ID The Aragon ID (ENS name) or address of the DAO.
GUARDIANS_TOKEN_MANAGER The address of the Guardian Token Manager app.
STATIC_ETH_NODE Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint

And here a list of optional variables:

Env variable Description
ALCHEMY_API_KEY The API key for Alchemy.com.
INFURA_API_KEY The API key for Infura.io.
POCKET_API_KEY The API key for Pokt.network.
ANKR_API_KEY The API key for Ankr.com.
IPFS_RESOLVER An URL similar to https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/{cid}{path} with a custom IPFS gateway.
BUDGET_APP_ADDRESSES A list of comma-separated addresses of DAO apps that should be labeled as "Budget".
GOVERNANCE_APP_ADDRESSES A list of comma-separated addresses of DAO apps that should be labeled as "Governance".

The optional API keys env variables are useful for setting different providers for request balancing in production environments.