
ServiceFB simplify programmers work when creating NT Services using FreeBASIC as programming language. It also encapsulate most of the Win32 API and provide a clean event-driven like interface.

MIT LicenseMIT

= ServiceFB

ServiceFB simplify programmers work when creating NT Services using FreeBASIC as 
programming language. It also encapsulate most of the Win32 API and provide a clean
event-driven like interface.

== What You'll Need

1. Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 platform
    ServiceFB is designed *only* for Windows platform. 
    There is no plan to provide Daemonize (*nix services)
2. FreeBASIC 0.17 (lastest CVS-build)
    ServiceFB do extensive use of features only available in lastest CVS builds.
    You could download the basic (compiler and runtime library) from this url:
    Follow the instructions for each platform to use these updates.
    Thanks to Pritchard and Eric (Windows) and ikkejw (Linux) for these nightly builds.
3. Understand what you're doing
    Please check the included sample to get a peek on how structure your new service.
    Debugging NT services could be a real pain. First code your application, test it
    and later rearrange it as NT service to avoid problems.

== Getting Started

  The process to create a new service involves three simple steps:
  (excluding your actual service code, of course)
  1. Creation of new service holder
      After importing (using) the fb.svc namespace, you should to something like this:
        dim myservice as ServiceProcess = type<ServiceProcess>("My Service Name Here")
      This will create a new ServiceProcess to work with. Also will initialize the 'name'
      property with the one you provided. You could set it a later time and remove half of 
      the instructions:
        dim myservice as ServiceProcess
        myservice.name = "My Service Name Here"
      If no name is given, ServiceFB will default it to "New Service Process"
      Each service name should be unique, thats a Windows rule.
  2. Assign your events (callbacks)
      With your freshly created ServiceProcess, now must assign the events you want your
      service respond to. If your service don't need initialization, there's no need for
      coding onInit() function. The same applies to others events. Please note that using
      onPause will require also onContinue to work properly (both events must be coded for
      the service could enable Pause/Continue functionality).
      A sample of code:
        declare function onInit(byref self as ServiceProcess) as integer
        declare sub onStart(byref self as ServiceProcess)
        .. (actual code for each event) ..
        dim myservice as ServiceProcess = type<ServiceProcess>("My Shinny New Service")
        with myservice
            .onInit = @onInit
            .onStart = @onStart
        end with
      Also note that onInit differ from other on* events (it is a function). Its coded that
      way so we could abort the service initialization properly. Set it to FALSE (0) to abort.
  3. Run your service
      Now that everything is set, you must call Run() method to start the service.
      It will automatically notify the Service Manager about its state and let you control using
      command line syntax:
        net start|stop|pause|continue myservice
      Or graphically form the Services tool at Administrative Tools folder.
== Current Limitations
  Currently there is no service installation/uninstallation functionality.
  That is planned for future releases.
  The command line is passed *filtered* (without SCM stuff) back to the service via commandline 
  For now, if you need to install the service, use SC from command line:
    sc create MyServiceName binPath= C:\Path\To\My\compiled_service.exe
  Use delete instead of create to remove the installed service.
  Also, do a <tt>sc create</tt> to get more options.
== Serving multiple services from the same process

  Please refer to Advanced Techniques documentation (docs/advanced.rdoc)
== License

  ServiceFB is released under the MIT License.