
The Database project made by Luis Liz, Yeniel and Jorge

Primary LanguagePython


The Database project made by Luis Liz, Yeniel Diaz and Jorge Vega

Important notes

UI Can be found in https://github.com/luisliz/DBEmergencyUI

The database is remotely hosted.

Automatically run

(cd into the project first ofc...)





if you run into problems running in linux look for dos2unix because this script was made in macos.

Manually Running the project

Variables in Linux & Mac (the right choice)💖

$export FLASK_APP=app

$export FLASK_ENV=development

$flask run

Variables in Windows 🤢

set FLASK_APP=app

set FLASK_ENV=development

flask run

Python virtual environment system


cd to api folder

source venv/bin/activate

To deactivate simply run


Some of the operations supported:

  1. Register as a system administrator:

  2. Register as a person in need of resources:

  3. Register as a person that supplies resources:

  4. Add a request for a given resource:

  5. Announce the availability of a resource:

  6. Reserve or purchase a resource. Free resources are reserved. Otherwise, they are purchased These are PUT routes

Both these routes must include the form data of the transaction:

Key Value Explanation
tdate 2021-02-15 Year-month-day
tquantity 10 Number of items
tpayerpid 2 Payer (user) id
tsupplierpid 4 Supplier (user) id
tamount 0 Amount of money involved in transaction

To confirm a transaction was created, we use the route for get all transactions:

  1. Browse resources being requested - GET of all resources contained on a specific request (based on request id)

  2. Browse resources available

  3. See detail of resources, including location on a Google Map (Not required, Extra credit)

  4. Keyword search resources being requested, with sorting by resource name

  5. Keyword search resources available, with sorting by resource name

  6. Statistics:

POSTS (form-data in postman)

Post Person:

Postman must Include the form data of the request:

Key Value Explanation
ucid 1 User rank: 1 for user; 2 for supplier; 3 for admin
ufirstname Pancho Name of the user
ulastname Rivera Last name of the user
udob 2020-01-14 year-month-day - Date of birth
uemail pancho.rivera@gmail.com A valid email. If not exists an error will be produced
upassword panchitomaster123 Any string for password

Post Request:

Postman must Include the form data of the request:

Key Value Explanation
reqpostdate 2021-02-15 Year-month-day
reqlocation Ponce Location for the request
requestuid 3 Id of the user making the request
supplieruid null Id of supplier, initially null

Post Resources:

Postman must Include the form data of the resources. The first six items (rname, rquantity, rlocation, ravailability, supplieruid, rprice) are standard and must be included for all resources. The rest of the items depend on the category of the resource being added, refer to the ER diagram to see which fields must be included:

Key Value Explanation
rname medications Name of the resource (which actually matches the resource category name)
rquantity 1 Amount of items for this resource to add
rlocation Guayama Location of the resource
ravailability available Availability status of the resource
supplieruid 3 User id of the supplier
rprice 4.00 Price of the resource
mmanufacturer Bayer Medication manufacturer
msize 1 pill box String describing the size of the medication container
mname heart pills Name of the medication