
How to install

Option 1

Copy files in System32

Command line

xcopy *.bat %systemroot%/system32 



xcopy *.bat $env:systemroot/system32

Option 2

Create a folder any place in your computer (for example, %appdata% is a nice place), and add this folder to the Enviroment Variable PATH

How to use

Use this alias from any cmd windows... or even, use it from File Explorer Address bar!

Alias list

Comand Description
clear Clear console
cp Copy File
csx C# interpreter
grep Find text in file (alias for findstr
ls List files (alias for dir
mv Move file
nano Open notepad in file
np Open notepad ++
pap Open Recycled Bin
ps Run powershell
rm Remove file (alias for del
run Run command in cmd
touch Create empty file
vsc Open VSCode in current folder
wtc Open Windows Terminal in current folder