
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Project created with MLOps-Template cookiecutter. For more info: https://mlopsstudygroup.github.io/mlops-guide/

📋 Requirements

  • DVC
  • Python3 and pip
  • Access to IBM Cloud Object Storage

🏃🏻 Running Project

🔑 Setup IBM Bucket Credentials for IBM COS

MacOS and Linux

Setup your credentials on ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config. DVC works perfectly with IBM Obejct Storage, although it uses S3 protocol, you can also see this in other portions of the repository.


aws_access_key_id = {Key ID}
aws_secret_access_key = {Access Key}

✅ Pre-commit Testings

In order to activate pre-commit testing you need pre-commit

Installing pre-commit with pip

pip install pre-commit

Installing pre-commit on your local repository. Keep in mind this creates a Github Hook.

pre-commit install

Now everytime you make a commit, it will run some tests defined on .pre-commit-config.yaml before allowing your commit.


$ git commit -m "Example commit"


⚗️ Using DVC

Download data from the DVC repository(analog to git pull)

dvc pull

Reproduces the pipeline using DVC

dvc repro